One of the busiest weeks of the Summer: Jump in

Our movement can't just be reactive.  We have to build structure and channel our energy. That's what we're spending our time doing this summer. Please, join us at these events taking place the week of August 18, 2019.

August 19 in Morristown:  TEP Lakeway Committee monthly social.

August 21 in Knoxville:  Donation Day at West Hills Flats & Taps.

August 21 in Memphis:  Update on Ranked Choice Voting.

August 22 in Nashville:  Event with Nashville Pride--What's Next for LGBTQ+ Nashville?

August 23 in Memphis:  The People's Happy Hour hosted by Planned Parenthood. TEP is part of the panel.

August 24 in Maryville:  Blount Pride.  Visit the TEP table at this event.

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