Campaigns for the week of March 26, 2023
Some discriminatory bills are failing, but some are still advancing. Take action with these campaigns. More will be added in the coming days.
SHOW UP: At 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time, TEP is offering a legislative advocacy training at the Knox Pride Center. RSVP and learn more at the Facebook event link.
CALL: At 6:30 p.m., join inclusion tennessee and other organizations for a Zoom phone bank. RSVP and learn more at the Facebook event link.
Parent opt-in bill
EMAIL: Use the easy form to contact the House K-12 Subcommittee and urge them to vote NO.
SHOW UP: At Noon Central Time in House Hearing Room 4, the House K-12 Subcommittee will take up HB727, a parent opt-in bill.
Sneaky, anti-trans camp bathroom amendment
EMAIL: SB1044/HB1379 is being amended to provide an accommodation for parents who don't want their kids sharing space with transgender kids at camp. It is a camp version of the bathroom bill. It is up in Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Health Committee at 1:30 on March 28. Use the easy form at this link to contact both committees.
CALL: Use the scripts and numbers at the link to leave messages for members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Note: Calls for the House Health Subcommittee are listed under the HIV program funding bill since we have two bills of interest in that subcommittee.
SHOW UP: Go to either the Senate Judiciary Committee meeting or the House Health Subcommittee meeting at 1:30 p.m. Central Time. Senate Judiciary meets in Senate Hearing Room 1 and House Health Subcommittee meets in House Hearing Room 4. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
HIV program funding bill
SHOW UP: At 1:30 p.m. Central Time in House Hearing Room 4, the House Health Subcommittee may take up HB370, a good HIV program funding bill. The Senate companion bill was deferred to next year in the Senate Health & Welfare Committee. The subcommittee will also take up anti-trans bathroom amendment to a camping bill. We have combined Facebook events for this committee and Senate Judiciary Committee since both meet at the same time and will both consider this discriminatory amendment. The Facebook event is linked here.
All-purpose opportunity
CALL: At 6:30, the Human Rights Campaign hosts their virtual phone bank. Register at the link.
Anti-trans student pronoun bill and other education bills in Senate and House Committees
SHOW UP: At 1:00 p.m. Central Time in Senate Hearing Room 1, the Senate Education Committee takes up the anti-trans student pronoun bill and other legislation. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
EMAIL: Even though the two parent opt-in bills are being combined on the Senate side, HB1411 is still on the House Education Administration calendar. If you did the email campaign for the parent opt-in bill up for a vote on Tuesday in the House K-12 subcommittee, you have addressed this bill with some of the committee members. If you missed it in the list of campaigns, here it is again.
SHOW UP: At 1:30 p.m. Central Time in House Hearing Room 1, the House Education Administration Committee takes up bills with discriminatory implications. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
Anti-trans private school athlete bill
SHOW UP: At 9:00 a.m. Central Time, HB306, the anti-trans private school athlete bill is on the House floor. This event takes place in the Capitol, not in the Cordell Hull Building. You can attend. There is some seating in the gallery or you can be in the hallway outside the House chamber.
SHOW UP: At 4:00 p.m. Central Time at Legislative Plaza in Nashville, Queer Youth Assemble, inclusion tennessee, and TEP present "Rally for Queer & Trans Youth Autonomy." Legislative Plaza is located at 301 6th Avenue North. THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED.
SHOW UP (virtually): 6:00 p.m. Central Time. Co-hosted with inclusion tennessee, TEP presents a Transgender Day of Visibility program on Zoom called "Visible, Vocal, Vibrant: A Conversation with Transgender and Gender-expansive Persons About Being Present, Speaking Out, & Growing Hope in the Halls of the Tennessee Legislature." Facilitated by Dahron Johnson, the panel will include Eli Givens, Vaniel Simmons, Jacen Wilder, and C.J. Desai, who have prepared testimony on state legislation this year. RSVP and learn more at the Facebook event link where you will find the Zoom link.
SHOW UP: "March for LGBTQ+ Lives" coordinated by inclusion tennessee and Nashville Pride. 10:30 a.m. East Park in Nashville. THIS EVENT IS NOW BEING POSTPONED.
Campaigns for the week of March 20, 2023
More bills are stalling and being amended, but some are still advancing. Take action with these campaigns on key bills moving the week of March 20. More will be added in the coming days.
SHOW UP: At 1:00 p.m. Central Time, the Senate Commerce & Labor Committee takes up SB138, a bill that involves protecting minors from pornography on electronic devices. The bill could be used to block general LGBTQ content. Go to Senate Hearing Room 1 in the Cordell Hull Building.
The Big Party!
SHOW UP: LOVE RISING: Let Freedom Sing (and Dance), A Celebration of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness takes place at 7:30 p.m. Central Time at Bridgestone Arena. Get tickets and learn more at the link.
Drag licensing bill
EMAIL: Use the easy form at the link to tell the Senate State & Local Government Committee to vote NO.
CALL: Leave messages with the committee using the scripts and numbers at the link.
SHOW UP: At 10:30 a.m. Central Time, the Senate State & Local Government Committee takes up the License to Drag bill. RSVP at the Facebook event.
HIV program funding bill in the House
CALL: Leave messages with the committee members using the scripts and numbers at the link.
SHOW UP: At 1:30 p.m. Central Time, the House Health Subcommittee has HB370, a good HIV program funding bill, on the calendar. It may run in the Senate first. If you want to show up, go to House Hearing Room 4 in the Cordell Hull Building.
Various discriminatory bills
SHOW UP: At 1:30 p.m. Central Time, the House Banking and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee takes up HB761, a bill that involves protecting minors from pornography on electronic devices. The bill could be used to block general LGBTQ content. Go to House Hearing Room 2 in the Cordell Hull Building.
SHOW UP: At 4:30 p.m. Central Time, the House K-12 Subcommittee takes up three bills of concern. HB158 bans requiring implicit bias training in public school district and public higher education settings. HB727 is another parent opt-in bill. HB1377 is a bill that establishes a process by which "certain individuals may file a complaint with an LEA or public charter school for the LEA's or public charter school's including or promoting certain prohibited concepts as part of a course of instruction, in a curriculum or instructional program, or by allowing teachers or other employees to use supplemental materials that include or promote certain prohibited concepts." (from the official summary). Go to House Hearing Room 2 in the Cordell Hull Building.
All-purpose opportunity
CALL: Join HRC for their weekly virtual phone bank against discriminatory bills at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. Register at the link.
HIV program funding bill in the Senate
EMAIL: This campaign is combined with the one for the bill under the Tuesday hearing in the House Health Subcommittee above. If you missed it, use the same form linked here.
CALL: Leave messages with the committee using the scripts and numbers at the link.
SHOW UP: At 1:00 p.m. Central Time, the Senate Health & Welfare Committee takes up SB290, a good HIV program funding bill. It may run in the House Health Subcommittee first on Tuesday. If you want to show up, go to Senate Hearing Room 1.
Anti-trans private school athlete and parent opt-in bills in the House
EMAIL: Use this easy form to the tell the House Education Administration Committee to vote NO.
CALL: Leave messages for members of the committee with the scripts and numbers at the link.
SHOW UP: At 1:30 p.m. Central Time, the House Education Administration Committee takes up the anti-trans private school athlete bill and a parent opt-in bill. RSVP at the Facebook event.
Anti-trans private school athlete, pronoun, and parent opt-in bills in the Senate
EMAIL: Use this easy form to tell the Senate Education Committee to vote NO on these bills.
SHOW UP: At 3:00 p.m. Central Time, the Senate Education Committee takes up several discriminatory bills. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
We are holding this date in case bills pop up on the Senate or House floor.
Campaigns for the week of March 13, 2023
As legislators face imminent committee deadlines, many bills that have not moved will be put on notice. It does not mean they will get to all the bills this week, but we should be prepared. Take action with these campaigns. More will be added in the coming days.
Amended wedding officiant refusal bill
EMAIL: Use this easy form to contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to vote NO.
SHOW UP: At 1:00 p.m. Central Time, the Senate Judiciary Committee is taking up SB596, a bill that originally allowed wedding officiants to refuse to marry couples based on the officiants beliefs. The bill has been significantly amended. Go to Senate Hearing Room 1.
Discriminatory education bills in the House
SHOW UP: At 3:00 p.m. Central Time, the House Higher Education Subcommittee takes up HB571 and HB1376, two discriminatory bills. Go to House Hearing Room 2.
Anti-trans binary definition of "sex" bill in the Senate
EMAIL: Use the easy form at the link to contact your own state senator and urge a NO vote.
SHOW UP: At 4;00 p.m. Central Time, the full Senate takes up SB1440. You can attend floor sessions if you can get a seat in the Senate gallery. You can also be in the hallway outside the Senate Chamber. Note that you will be going to the Capitol and not the Cordell Hull Building for this event.
All-purpose opportunity
CALL: Join inclusion tennessee and other organizations for a Zoom phone bank at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. Learn more at the Facebook event link.
Drag licensing bill
EMAIL: Use this easy form to contact the Senate State & Local Government Committee to urge them to vote NO.
CALL: Leave messages for the members of the committee with the scripts and numbers at the link.
SHOW UP: At 10:30 a.m. Central Time, the drag licensing bill is up in the Senate State & Local Government Committee. Show up to oppose the bill. Details are at the Facebook event link.
Additional discriminatory bills
SHOW UP: At 1:00 p.m. Central Time, the Senate Commerce and Labor Committee takes up SB138, a bill that seems to be about regulating the ability of minors to access pornography on electronic devices, but it could affect general LGBTQ content as well. Go to Senate Hearing Room 1.
SHOW UP: At 3:00 p.m. Central Time, the Senate Judiciary Committee could take up SB596, the amended wedding officiant refusal bill. It was on the calendar for Monday, but the Chair announced that for the Monday meeting they would only consider bills sponsored by members of the committee. Go to Senate Hearing Room 1.
SHOW UP: At 4:30 p.m. Central Time, the House K-12 Subcommittee takes up HB158, a bill that prohibits public education institutions including local school districts and higher education institutions from requiring implicit bias training. Go to House Hearing Room 2.
All-purpose opportunity
CALL: HRC hosts a weekly virtual phone bank at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. Register at the link.
Anti-trans TennCare and Student pronoun bills
SHOW UP: At 10:30 a.m. Central Time, the House Finance Subcommittee takes up HB1215, the anti-trans TennCare bill, and HB1269, the student pronoun discrimination bill, in House Hearing Room 3. Finance meetings typically move fast and focus mainly on financial impact issues.
Student pronoun, parent opt-in, and other bills in the Senate
SHOW UP: At Noon Central Time, the Senate Education Committee has several anti-LGBTQ bills on the calendar. With 120 bills total on the agenda, the committee won't be able to take up all of them during this meeting. We are watching seven bills that are now on notice in this committee, but the first of them is all the way down at position 23 on the calendar. Details are at the Facebook event link.
Anti-trans private school sports bill and parent opt-in bill in the House
SHOW UP: At 1:30 p.m. Central Time, the House Education Administration Committee takes up the anti-trans private school sports bill and the parent opt-in bill. Details are at the Facebook event link.
Bill to require TN to apply for federal HIV program funds
CALL: Leave messages with the committee using the numbers and the scripts at the link.
SHOW UP: At 3:00 p.m. Central Time, attend the Senate Health and Welfare Committee meeting as they take up SB290, the bill to require Tennessee to apply for and accept federal HIV program funding. Details are provided at the Facebook event link.
We are holding this date in case bills pop up on the Senate or House floor calendars.
Campaigns for the week of March 6, 2023
Some bills have stalled thanks to your efforts while others continue to moved ahead. Take action with the campaigns below. More will be added as the calendar fills out.
CALL: Call the Governor and tell him signing SB1 and SB3 was a mistake.
Drag licensing bill and wedding officiant refusal bill
SHOW UP: You can show up for House floor sessions. HB30 and HB878 are on the House floor on Monday, March 6 at 5:00 p.m. Central Time. You can be in the gallery if you can find a seat or in the hallway outside the House Chamber. The event takes place in the Capitol, not in the Cordell Building.
All-purpose opportunity
CALL: Join inclusion tennessee and other organizations for the weekly phone bank against discriminatory bills at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. Here's a registration for it.
Bill requiring TN to apply for federal HIV funding
EMAIL: Use the easy form at the link to tell the House Health Subcommittee to vote YES on HB370.
CALL: Use the scripts and numbers to leave messages for legislators.
SHOW UP: HB370 is a good bill that requires Tennessee to apply for federal HIV program funding. It is up in the House Health Subcommittee at 1:30 p.m. Central Time in House Hearing Room 4. RSVP and learn more at the Facebook event link.
All-purpose opportunities
SHOW UP: The Mid-South LGBT Chamber of Commerce is holding an online Advocacy 101 session at 6:00 p.m. RSVP at the link.
CALL: The Human Rights Campaign hosts a virtual phone bank against discriminatory bills at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. Register at the link.
Anti-trans TennCare bill
CALL: Call members of the Finance Committee and Subcommittee with the numbers and scripts at the link.
SHOW UP: The House Finance Committee will take up HB1215, the anti-trans TennCare bill at 10:30 a.m. in House Hearing Room 3. The discussion typically moves fast and focuses on cost and revenue issues of bills.
Anti-trans binary definition of "sex" bill
EMAIL: Use the easy form at the link to tell the House Finance Subcommittee to vote NO on the bill.
SHOW UP: The House Finance Subcommittee will also consider HB239, the anti-trans binary definition of "sex" bill at 10:30 a.m. in House Hearing Room 3. The discussion typically moves fast and will be focused on cost and revenue issues of bills.
Anti-trans private school sports bill and parental opt-in bill
CALL: Use the numbers and scripts to leave messages with members of the committee.
SHOW UP: The House Education Administration Committee takes up the anti-trans private school sports bill and the bill requiring opt-in parental permission for parts of the curriculum, school surveys, and school clubs. Show up at 1:30 p.m. in House Hearing Room 1. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
EMAIL: Use the easy form to tell your own senator to vote NO on the binary sex bill.
Campaigns for the week of February 27, 2023
More bills are now moving in the Senate as well as the House. Take action with the campaigns below. More will be added as the calendar fills out.
CALL: Join inclusion tennessee and other organizations in a Zoom phone bank against discriminatory bills at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. Learn more at the Facebook event link.
CALL: New calls added on February 27.
Drag licensing bill
SHOW UP: The drag performer licensing bill is up for a vote in the Senate State & Local Government Committee at 10:30 a.m. Central Time. Learn more at the Facebook event link.
SHOW UP: The House Finance Committee is also considering the bill at 3:00 p.m. in House Hearing Room 2. The committee typically moves quickly through bill since they are only considering the financial impact of the bill and not the kinds of issues addressed in a subject-matter committee like Local Government.
Anti-trans binary definition of "sex" bill
EMAIL: Email the Senate Judiciary Committee with the easy form at the link and urge them to vote NO.
SHOW UP: The anti-trans binary definition of "sex" bill is up in the Senate Judiciary Committee at 3:00 p.m. Central Time. Learn more at the Facebook event link.
Anti-school survey, sex ed, and GSA bill
EMAIL: Email the House K-12 subcommittee with the easy form at the link and urge them to vote NO.
SHOW UP: A bill that would require parental consent for participation in school surveys, sex education, and school clubs like GSAs is up for a vote in the House K-12 subcommittee at 4:30 p.m. Central Time. Learn more at the Facebook event link.
CALL: Join the weekly HRC virtual phone bank and make calls against discriminatory bills at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. Register at the link.
Anti-trans TennCare bill
EMAIL: Email the House Finance Subcommittee members with the easy form at the link urging them to vote NO.
SHOW UP: The House Finance Subcommittee will take up HB1215, the anti-trans TennCare bill. This subcommittee typically moves quickly through bills. But if you want to attend, go to House Hearing Room 3 in the Cordell Hull Building at 10:30 a.m.
Anti-trans binary definition of "sex" & wedding officiant license to discriminate bills
SHOW UP: The House Civil Justice Committee will consider the anti-trans binary definition of "sex" bill and the wedding officiant license to discriminate bill at Noon Central Time. Learn more at the Facebook event link.
Anti-trans private school sports bill & anti-trans pronoun bill
SHOW UP: The anti-trans pronouns and private school sports bills are up for votes in the House Education Administration Committee at 1:30 p.m. Learn more at the Facebook event link.
EMAIL: SB3/HB9, the drag restriction bill goes back to the Senate for a floor vote. Use this easy form to email your own senator.
Campaigns for the week of February 20, 2023
Hate and discrimination are flying fast, but we are resisting at every step. Take action with these campaigns. More campaigns will be added as we make them and as we get a fuller picture of the legislative calendar.
CALL: Join the next Zoom phone bank with inclusion tennessee at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. Learn more at the Facebook event.
SHOW UP: We're having a Pink & Purple Day on the Hill. From 9:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. we will have a check-in time in the Cordell Hull Building cafeteria with information about the bills, committee hearings, and what you can do. RSVP at the Facebook event page.
Anti-trans TennCare bill
EMAIL: Use this easy form to tell the House Insurance Committee to vote NO on the anti-trans TennCare bill.
SHOW UP: Attend the House Insurance Committee meeting at 10:30 a.m. as they vote on the anti-trans TennCare bill. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
Wedding refusal bill
SHOW UP: Attend the House Children & Family Affairs subcommittee meeting at Noon as they vote on a bill that gives anti-marriage equality officiants special rights. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
Anti-trans binary definition of "sex" bill
SHOW UP: Attend the House Civil Justice subcommittee meeting in the Cordell Hull Building at 1:30 p.m. as they consider the anti-trans binary definition of "sex" bill. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
Anti-trans private school athlete and pronoun bills
SHOW UP: Attend the House K-12 subcommittee meeting in the Cordell Hull Building at 4:30 p.m. Both the anti-trans pronoun bill and the anti-trans student athlete bill are up for votes. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
CALL: HRC's weekly virtual phone bank takes place at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. Register at the link.
Drag licensing bill
EMAIL: HB30, the drag licensing bill, is up for a vote in the House Finance subcommittee. Use this easy form to the tell the members to vote NO.
SHOW UP: You can attend the House Finance subcommittee. Unlike subject matter committees such as Local Government, there will not be much issue-oriented discussion. The discussion will be quick and focus on the financial impact of the bill as found in the fiscal note. But if you would like to attend, be at House Hearing Room 3 of the Cordell Hull Building at 10:30 a.m.
Anti-implicit bias training bill
SHOW UP: A bill banning mandatory implicit bias training in public schools and public colleges and universities is up for a vote in the Senate Education Committee at 3:00 p.m. Central Time. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
EMAIL: HB1, the ban on youth gender-affirming care, will hit the House floor. That will be its last stop before it reaches the Governor. Use this easy form to contact your own member of the Tennessee House of Representatives. The House floor session begins at 9:00 a.m.
EMAIL: HB9, the anti-drag bill, will hit the House floor for a vote. That will be its last stop before it reaches the Governor. Use this easy form to contact your own member of the Tennessee House of Representatives.
SHOW UP: The House floor session begins at 9:00 a.m. Central Time. You can attend meetings of the full House of Representatives or of the Senate. You can watch from the gallery if you can get a seat. Or you can be in the hallway outside the House chamber. To be absolutely clear, it's important to know that you will be going to the Capitol building, NOT the Cordell Hull Building for a floor session.
Campaigns for the week of February 13
Anti-LGBTQ bills are moving fast through their committees in Tennessee. Please, take action with these campaigns with opportunities to call, email, and show up. Note: Campaigns will be added throughout the week as the Legislature finalizes its calendar of bills to be considered.
EMAIL: SB1, the ban on trans youth healthcare, is on the full Senate calendar on Monday afternoon! Use this easy form to email your own state senator. Personalize the message or record a video.
CALL: Join inclusion tennessee and TEP for a Zoom phone bank against discriminatory bills at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. RSVP and learn more at the Facebook event page.
SHOW UP: Knox Pride is hosting "Enough is Enough Rally" at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time in Knoxville. Go to their Facebook event for details.
EMAIL: HB1215, an anti-trans TennCare bill, is up for a vote in House Insurance Subcommittee. Email the members with this easy form.
SHOW UP: HB1215, an anti-trans TennCare bill, is up for a vote in the House Insurance Subcommittee. Join us at Noon in House Hearing Room 1. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
EMAIL: HB30, an amended anti-drag bill is up for a vote. Tell the House Local Government Committee to vote NO with this easy form.
SHOW UP: HB30, one of the anti-drag bills, is up in the House Local Government Committee at 1:30 p.m. HB239, a bill that imposes a binary biological definition of sex in the Tennessee Code, is up at the same time in the House Civil Justice Subcommittee. RSVP for the two committee meeting with one Facebook event at this link.
SHOW UP: Attend the "Have a Heart Tennessee Rally" at 3:00 p.m. at Legislative Plaza in Nashville. RSVP at the link.
EMAIL: HB9, an anti-drag bill is back before the House Criminal Justice Committee. Email the members with this easy form.
CALL: HB9, an anti-drag bill is back before the House Criminal Justice Committee. Call members of the committee with the scripts and numbers at this link.
SHOW UP: HB9, an anti-drag bill, is up in Criminal Justice Committee at 4:30 p.m. HB306, an anti-trans private school athlete bill, is up at the same time. RSVP at the Facebook page for both committee hearings.
EMAIL: HB306, an anti-trans private school athlete bill, is up in House K-12 subcommittee. Tell the members to vote NO with this easy form.
CALL: Join the Human Rights Campaign for a virtual phone bank at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. RSVP at this link.
EMAIL: HB1, a horrible attack on trans youth healthcare, is heading to House Civil Justice Committee at Noon. Use this easy form to contact the members of the committee. Personalize the message or record a video message to go with your email.
CALL: Leave messages at the offices of the Civil Justice Committee members about HB1 with the scripts and numbers at this link. Note: The link also includes the calls to House Civil Justice Subcommittee for HB239 since some committee members are members of the subcommittee.
SHOW UP: HB1 is up in House Civil Justice Committee at Noon in House Hearing Room 2. RSVP at the Facebook event page for the hearing.
SHOW UP: Advancing Equality Day on the Hill is a day to meet with your legislators at the Cordell Hull Building. Learn more at the Facebook event page. Email us at [email protected] to find out more.
Tennessee Statement for Dignity and Against Discrimination
The fundamental dignity of every person is the cornerstone of good public policy. Wisdom leads us to respect the diversity of our neighbors and to a shared prosperity for all. Words and laws that divide us have no place as Tennessee looks to the future. We need the strengths of everyone.
Legislation has been introduced in the Tennessee General Assembly that diminishes and threatens LGBTQ people. Bills that remove life-saving healthcare from transgender youth and adults, malign drag performances, create obstacles for LGBTQ students, and challenge marriage equality do lasting harm.
As organizations committed to the path of mutual respect and the goal of everyone’s dignity, we call on the Tennessee General Assembly to abandon these discriminatory proposals.
If your organization, business, or congregation would like to endorse this statement, fill out the form at this link.
Signing this statement are the following:
Law Office of Julia Tate
S&L Companies
Knox Pride
Glencliff United Methodist Church
Indivisible TN
Psychotherapy & Forensic Services, LLC
Appalachian Outreach
Voce Speech Therapy, PLLC
East Nashville Beer Works
West Tennessee LGBTQ+ Support LLC
McKee Photography
Pozzi Entertainment Group
Earthfire Abbey
Love Doesn't Hurt
Jackson Creative Society
Custom Drapes. LLC
Mama Bear Sweet Treats
Indian Lake Animal Clinic
PFLAG Franklin
Glendale United Methodist Church - Nashville
Talk and Thrive Education, LLC
RISE: Healthy for Life
Tioga Environmental Consultants, Inc.
IDJC Press
Focus LGBT Magazine
Ray Rico Freelance, LLC
Outlaw Memphis
Stomping Ground Herbals
Double N Lawncare
Human Rights Campaign
Covenant of the Cross
BG Photography
The Silver Fern
Hub City Pride Runners
Abby Weeden Photography & Design
Saturn and Sun Collective
Flatwoods Fawn
Blakemore United Methodist Church
Best Little Frame House
Brave Heart Counseling and Consulting
Appalachian Equality Chorus
Maria Andruschenko, LPC-MHSP
James Brantley LMT
Allegiant Financial Planning
Sunflower Counseling Services
Underground Art, Inc.
Upper Cumberland Pride
East Nashville Queer Parents
Franklin Pride TN
Ubuntu Counseling & Wellness
Nashville Black Assembly
April Allen Photography
Welcoming Cumberland Presbyterians
Garden Buddy, LLC
The Law Offices of J. Vincent Perryman
Thistle Cottage Home: Silhouettes and Custom Artwork
PFLAG Columbia
Cat Colony Food Pantry
Moms for Social Justice
Out On A Limb Productions
Little Mountain Stoneworks, LLC
Pride of Place Weddings
Brie Flora Jewelry
Williamson Social Justice Alliance
Wilco Iris
First Congregational Church of Memphis (First Congo)
Music City Doulas
The Table, ELCA Lutheran Church
Chinkapin Craftstead, Inc.
Live True Vintage
Belcourt Theatre
Drkmttr Collective
Jackson Alumni and Professional Chapter of Men of DISTINC Inc
Mu Chapter of Men of D.I.S.T.I.N.C. INC
Graceful Aging Legal Services PLLC
Nashville Launch Pad
No Exceptions
Plum Flower Software
MAEVE Eastside Neighbors
Stand Up Nashville
Presbyqueerians of Idlewild Presbyterian Church
Aquarius Rising
Welty Law Office
PFLAG Nashville
Olive Branch Therapy, PLLC
inclusion tennessee
Southern Christian Coalition
The Queer Youth Unity Project
Cryptid Café
Maypop Forest School
Brown & Mayes Salon
Nashville Jews for Social Justice
Madison Area Democratic Women
Matryoshka Coffee
Carver Construction, LLC
Hidden Springs Nursery
Awakening Hearts Counseling
North Star Art Education
Cabin Attic Burgers
Fait la Force Brewing Co.
312 Pizza Company
The Beauty Parlour
Frankie J's
Love & Lion
The Lipstick Lounge
Stolas Botanicals
Good Neighbor Festivals
Heart Story Consulting, LLC
Empowered Heart Integrative Mental Health Care, PLLC
Tyson House - Episcopal & Lutheran Campus Ministry at UTK
Protect My Care
Forward TN
Encircle Acupuncture
Connect Media Group
Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi
Tennessee Advocates for Planned Parenthood
Inebriated Shakespeare
G Squared Wireless, LLC
Haven Class, First Centenary United Methodist Church
Harding House Brewing Company
Rodney Mitchell Salon
Nashville in Harmony
Big Ben's Bagels
GracePointe Church
IL Forno
Janie Wilkerson, LPC-MHSP
Pink Door Cookies
Classic Blue Music Academy
Acme Feed & Seed
The Southern Steak & Oyster
TomKats Catering
Found Movement Group
Besitas Nashville
Honeytree Meadery
Nurture Nashville Yoga
Whitewood Counseling
Giles County Inclusivity Committee
Jewish Family Service of Nashville and Middle TN
S&L Solutions
Waggin' Tails
T & K Creative Solutions Group
Network for Sustainable Solutions
Tennessee Alliance for Progress
Peacock Law, PLLC
Live Full Therapy
Work Life Spirit Coaching & Consulting
Tennessee Playwrights Studio
Vortex Graphics Company
Claiming Ground Counseling PLLC
Nashville Community Crisis Response
Miriam's Promise
Osborne & Eppler
Greater Nashville Unitarian Universalist Congregation
Curious Capybara Bookshop
The Gaia Center for Embodied Healing
Astral Ingress & Community Witch
The House of Bits, LLC
Luna Yoga
Unity Church of the Cumberlands-Cookeville
Nashville Pride
Kacey Cardin Coaching
The J. Carter Shop
Nashville Curiosities Collective
Bomb Pop Boutique
Frothy Monkey
Storefront Studios
Grace Episcopal Church, Chattanooga
Bread & Wine
East Nashtivists
lou nashville
Sow & Root Collective
Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund
Art of Lindsey Jenks
St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church, Battle Creek
American Medical Women's Association
Trail Sisters Nashville
Nashville Musicians for Change
Shelby Andal Photography
Autism Tennessee
The Justice Salon at St. Augustine's Chapel
East Nashville Doulas
National Healthcare for the Homeless Council
Healthy and Free Tennessee
Gator Michaels Consulting
Mark Summers Ltd
Abortion Access Front
Walking Into A New Life
Traditional Mod
Tennessee Justice Center-TJC
Nooga Diversity Center
Bongo Java & Fido Restaurants
Frequency 528 Brewing Company
Hub of Love
Tennessee Paralegals, LLC
Hiestand Pyschological Services, PLLC
Truvy's Rhinestone Cabaret
Freya's Photography
Beechwood Creek
ADL Southeast
Chandler's Dezigns
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Cookeville
Congregation Micah
Karen Fox Photography
Shayla Marie Designs
Amethyst Healings Massage and Yoga Studio
Novelette Booksellers
Allison Russell Music
Advocates for Women's and Kids' Equality (AWAKE) Tennessee\
Diskin Cider
Short Mountain Cultures
East Nashville Pediatrics
Belle Fleur Farm
Nine12 Architects
Tenn Little Birds
Cumberland Folk School
Lucky Vegan LLC
Slipp3ry When Wet LLC
The Nashville Shakespeare Festival
Journey Mental Health
Studio Strange
Bliss Integrated Bodywork
Shana Hamilton-Lockwood, PhD, PLLC
Companion Comfort Massage
East Nashville Family Medicine
David Maddox
Hemp Building Institute
Vanderbilt Graduate Workers United
The Bookshop
Flora Plant Shop
Live True Vintage
Cybelle Elena, LLC
The Mad Raven
Heart Rock Hideaway
Mountain Path Healing Arts Studio
Champions for Christ 777
Grillshack Fries and Burgers
Anzie Blue
The Loyal Opposition
Kinship Blooms
Yellow & Lavender
The Little Weirdo
Pastaria Nashville
Curl Coven
The Hemp Building Institute
A Better Balance
Random Sample
East End United Methodist Church
CA South
Crema Coffee Roasters
Flora+Fauna Cafe and Roaster
Appalachian Voices
Mid-South Immigration Advocates
Interfaith Worker Justice of East Tennessee
Unitarian Universalist Church of Chattanooga
S.L.A.M. Sweat Like a Mother Nashville
Wand & Willow Day Spa
I Am Well Consulting
The Collab
McNeilly Center for Children
The Get Together Events Co.
Memphis Friends Meeting (Quakers)
Aesop Edgehill
Endeavor Performance
Cedarmont Farm
Church of the Savior, UCC, Knoxville
The Salty Cubana, LLC
LBHBeauty, LLC
Perennial Relational Theory
Jobs with Justice East Tennessee
Rob + Deanna Photography
Forward Hair Lab LLC
Beauty School -A Salon
Wynning Wombmanhood
SideShow Bennie's Carnival of Wonders
Serve presenta
cj advertising
United Campus Workers
Hey Hey Creative
36th Parallel Photography
Kindred Partnerships
Mondo Vegan
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Murfreesboro
May Farm Sanctuary
Brandi Fleck Coaching
Tapered Threads
Fringe + Co
Sheeco Events
Temple Israel
Beth Sholom Synagogue
Pride Center of the Tri-Cities
Amnesty International Nagoya Multicultural Group
Asian American Justice + Innovation Lab
Baked on 8th
Dirty Coast Press
AXR Recordings
No Reverse Records, LLC
Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams
Apple & Oak
Whiskey Water
Finely Tuned Associates
CGB Counseling, LLC
Teresa Pickney
Life by Design Coaching
Ebb & Iv
Hale & Hearty Lifestyle
Equality and Respect
St. Luke's Episcopal Church
Nashville Children's Theater
Brother Wolf
Margot Cafe and Bar
Weak Coffee
Campaigns for the week of February 6
Take action to fight anti-LGBTQ bills the week of February 6 with these campaigns.
EMAIL: Use this easy form to send a message to your state senator urging a NO vote on SB3, a bill attacking drag. It is on the Senate floor the evening of February 6 at 5:00 p.m. UPDATE: The bill was deferred on Monday to Thursday. You may still have time to email.
CALL: Zoom phone bank on discriminatory bills at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. Learn more at the Facebook event page.
SHOW UP: SB3, an anti-drag bill, is on the Senate floor at 5:00 p.m. If you would like to watch from the Senate gallery, go to the Capitol building. The event is not in the Cordell Hull Building where committee meetings take place, but in the Capitol itself. It is located at 600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. in Nashville.
SHOW UP: SB1, an anti-trans youth healthcare bill, is up in the Senate Judiciary Committee at 3:00 p.m. Central Time in Senate Hearing Room 1. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
SHOW UP: HB9, an anti-drag bill, is up for a vote in the House Criminal Justice Committee at 4:30 p.m. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
CALL: There is an HRC virtual phone bank at 6:30 p.m. Central Time. RSVP at this link.
SHOW UP: HB1, an anti-trans youth healthcare bill, is up in the House Health Committee at 3:30 p.m. and HB30, an anti-drag bill, is up in the House Cities & Counties Subcommittee. Both take place at 3:30. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
WRITE: Join us for a postcard writing party in Clarksville from Noon to 2:00 p.m. Central Time. RSVP and learn more at the Facebook event page.
Take action to protect trans health on February 1
January 31 was a devastating day in the Legislature. Anti-gender-affirming care legislation advanced in the House and anti-drag legislation advanced in House and Senate committees. There is still time to take action today ahead of the Senate Health & Welfare Committee meeting on SB1, a bill banning gender-affirming care for trans and non-binary youth.
EMAIL: Use the form at the link to email the members of the Senate Health & Welfare Committee about SB1, which a ban on gender-affirming care.
SHOW UP: Attend the Senate Health hearing on SB1, which bans gender-affirming care for trans and non-binary youth at 1:00 p.m.. Facebook event at this link.