More damaging bills are getting closer to passing. Take action on these bills moving the week of April 19.
Remember that the parent opt-out bill is heading to the Governor for his signature, so call him. Tell Governor Lee Veto SB1229/HB529 Parent Opt-out bill for LGBTQ curriculum at 615-741-2001.
Monday, April 19
Event: Zoom phone bank against discriminatory bills at 6 p.m. Central Time.
*SB1367/HB1233, the anti-transgender student bathroom 2.0 bill, is up for floor votes in the Senate and House.
Tuesday, April 20 (possibly Wednesday, April 21)
*SB1224, the anti-transgender bathroom sign mandate, is back in Senate Judiciary Committee.
-Use this easy form to send an email to all the committee members. Feel free to add your own message.
Indefinite Date
*HB1027, the caption bill amended to regulate gender-affirming care for trans youth, will be up for a vote in the House Government Operations Committee soon.
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