State of Emergency: 3 discriminatory bills up a vote

So far, three anti-LGBTQ bills are up for a vote the week of March 3 in the Tennessee General Assembly. 

The first is a bill that allows private adoption agencies to discriminate against parents based on the religious views of the agency.  That hits LGBTQ parents and parents of different religions or no religion at all.  Public policy ought to be based on the needs of the child and whether the parents can provide a loving home.  Use this form to contact the subcommittee voting on the bill and urge them to vote NO

The Business License to Discriminate bill is also up in the House Commerce Committee on Tuesday. Here's the new email campaign to oppose that bill.

On Wednesday the anti-transgender locker room bill is up for a vote.  Take action against that bill at this link.


Be present at the hearings in red

We encourage you to attend these important votes.  Wear red if you can to show that you are part of the group opposing these bills.  Here are the Facebook events for each event.  All of them take place in the Cordell Hull Building in Nashville:

*March 5 at 9am in House Hearing Room 4 on one of the adoption discrimination bills (HB1152)

*March 5 at 11:15 Press Conference in Cordell Hull Building

*March 5 at 1:30 pm in House Hearing Room 3 on the Business License to Discriminate bill (HB563)

*March 6 at 3:30 pm in House Hearing Room 2 on the anti-transgender locker room bill (HB1151)

Please, support our work with your contribution at this link.  We are grateful for your support that allow us to keep you informed and work against these awful bills.

Chris Sanders

Executive Director

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