Clergy can make a positive impact on legislation in Tennessee. This workshop will give you a basic understanding of the state legislative process and how you can intervene effectively.
Open to active and retired clergy of any faith tradition or denomination who live in Tennessee. There is no cost to attend. Coffee and donuts provided.
The event takes place in the Fellowship Hall. Parking and entrance nearest Krystal.
Welcome and introductions by Rev. Pamela Hawkins
Why clergy involvement is critical by Jenny Ford, TEP lobbyist
Basics of state legislative process and how clergy can be involved by Chris Sanders, TEP executive director
Next steps by Rev. Pamela Hawkins
November 02, 2016 at 9:00am - 11am
Calvary United Methodist Church
3701 Hillsboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37215
United States
Google map and directions
3701 Hillsboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37215
United States
Google map and directions
Chris Sanders
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