Here are the bills up for votes the week of April 7 and ways you can take action:
April 8: HB1151, the heavily amended anti-transgender locker room bill, is up for a vote in the House. The amendment takes out the portions directly targeting the transgender community, but the amendment could be stripped or other amendments could be added on the House floor. Fears remain about how the bill could be used against transgender people if it became law. It would be best if it were just dropped!
*Use this form to contact your member of the Tennessee House of Representatives.
(Updated) April 9: HB1274, the bill that forces the State of Tennessee to support public school districts that develop anti-transgender policies, is up for a vote in the House Civil Justice Committee. It is amended, but the amendment is still focused on "biological sex" and makes the state help school districts that develop bad policies. In other words, the amendment is not helpful.
*Use this form to contact the full House Judiciary Committee.
*Make phone calls/leave messages about the bill with the office phone numbers and scripts at this link. You can easily print that list and make copies to take to gatherings. Leaving messages at any hour over the weekend is really helpful!
*Attend the House Judiciary Committee in RED. The event at 1:30 p.m. Central Time in House Hearing Room of the Cordell Hull Building in Nashville. RSVP here.
Other Recent Legislative Action:
SB1304/HB836, the adoption discrimination bill, passed on the House floor on April 1. It was due for a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 2, but was reset to the final calendar in that committee.
SB364/HB563, the Business License to Discriminate bill, has passed the full House, but it is still not on notice in the Senate State & Local Government Committee.
SB1282/HB1282, the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act, is still not on notice in Senate and House committees.
Thanks for all you do to fight back!
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