Looking Back: Equality Means Business

Launched at the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014, Equality Means Business is our program to encourage businesses to serve all their customers regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, to treat their employees equally regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, and to stand by the principle that equality is good for the business climate in Tennessee.

Why is this program necessary?  With no prospects for a comprehensive LGBT-inclusive civil rights law related to employment, public accommodations, and other concerns at the federal or state level, we must persuade more businesses large and small to become inclusive in Tennessee.  Engagement with business brings important allies in the fight for equality in our state.  Pictured below is Joelle Phillips, president of AT&T Tennessee, accepting the Champion of Equality award for her company at this year's Olympus at the Parthenon in Nashville.

When you make a pledge to support the TEP Foundation on Giving Tuesday (December 2), you help us grow this important program.  You can use this link to schedule your Giving Tuesday contribution today and it will count on December 2.

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