Entering the danger zone on the bathroom bill

Yesterday afternoon, the anti-transgender bathroom passed a key vote in the House Civil Justice Subcommittee.  Despite the opposition of the Governor, 77 clergy across the state, excellent points and questions by Representatives G.A. Hardaway and Bill Beck, and the testimony of a young transgender man, the bill moved forward.  And it's up for another vote on Tuesday next week!

Rush a message to the full Civil Justice Committee urging them to vote no.  We need to send so many emails that they can't ignore us.

If you have time to be at the committee hearing on the bill next Tuesday at 3:00 in the Cordell Hull Building in Nashville, RSVP here. Wear RED for visibility.  We really need to pack the House hearing room on this one.

If you would like to thank Governor Haslam for his opposition to HB2620 (the bathroom bill), you can call his office at (615) 741-2001. If you get the menu of options, press "4" for legislative. 

You can support TEP's legislative work with a contribution at this link.

We are grateful for your support. 

Chris Sanders

Executive Director

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