Counseling discrimination becomes law; TEP launches Counseling Unconditionally

After working with allies the entire legislative session, especially the American Counseling Association and many counselors in Tennessee, to defeat HB1840, we had hoped for a veto.  We know the Governor carefully considered his decision, but the reality we now face is that counselors will be able to discriminate against clients based on the counselor’s principles.  We continue to worry particularly about rural LGBT people who may not have adequate resources for counseling in their communities. 

Counseling Unconditionally:  To address the need for counseling across the state, we are launching Counseling Unconditionally today.  This initiative allows counselors, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and social workers to identify themselves as practitioners who will not turn away clients simply based on their values and principles.  Those interested may sign up at .  We know that the vast majority of professionals are eager to help everyone who walks through their door.  Their compassion and commitment to ethical standards of care can help repair some of the damage this legislation has caused.  It will take legislation or a court order to do the rest.

UT-Knoxville diversity:  Please, continue to share the petition urging the Governor to veto the bill that strips funds from the diversity office at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.  Here is the link so you can take action.

We are grateful for all your work.

Chris Sanders
Executive Director

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  • Lori Anne Parker-Danley
    commented 2016-04-27 18:02:44 -0500
    This is horrible, but sadly I am not surprised. I heard the Governor on the radio the other day trying to compare counseling with legal work and pointing out that lawyers get to pick who they work with. Of course, that’s a red herring and comparing apples to oranges. Mental health counseling is healthcare. Thank you for making this new Unconditional Counseling roster.
  • Carrie Walters Floyd
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-04-27 18:00:06 -0500
    Counseling discrimination becomes law; TEP launches Counseling Unconditionally

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