Tennessee Open For Business

openforbiz.pngTennessee Open For Business is a free program for Tennessee small businesses that pledge not to discriminate against their employees or customers on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. That means that member businesses do not discriminate against gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender individuals or couples or do harm to the LGBTQ community.  Members will get a listing on our website, a post on Facebook, and a window cling suitable for display in their storefront. The program is made possible through generous support of the Brooks Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.

The Tennessee Equality Project reserves the right to refuse membership in this program to any applicant and to revoke the membership of any business.

You can see a list of some of the current members of Tennessee Open For Business at this link

For questions, contact us at [email protected].

467 endorsements

Will your organization endorse?

  • Lois Prislovsky
    Psychoeducational Network endorsed 2017-08-22 11:25:29 -0500
    Pleased to now be a part of your board. I am happy to contribute my time, energy, and creativity to your powerful work. Thank you all. At your service, Lois
  • Dale Mackey
    Dale's Fried Pies endorsed 2017-07-25 15:09:36 -0500
  • Tonya Comer
    Tonya comer, LCSW endorsed 2017-07-06 02:42:38 -0500
    Counseling, therapy
  • Jennifer Montgomery
    Trotta Montgomery Real Estate endorsed 2017-06-29 12:29:02 -0500
  • Matthew Lawson
    Adamo Equestrian endorsed 2017-06-28 17:37:18 -0500
  • Lura Troy
    Companion Comfort Massage endorsed via 2017-06-20 13:46:30 -0500
  • Chyna Brackeen
    Attack Monkey Productions endorsed 2017-06-18 09:58:44 -0500
  • Webster Bailey
    Cornerstone of Recovery endorsed 2017-06-02 12:37:49 -0500
    Shane, Thanks for sending this to me! We are excited to get on board.
  • Heather Gentry
    Indian Lake Animal Clinic endorsed 2017-05-04 10:16:42 -0500
  • Brandy Baker
    Tease endorsed 2017-05-01 11:18:27 -0500
  • Harry Ledbetter II
    Superior Blinds and Shutters endorsed 2017-04-22 11:19:25 -0500
    Glad to support our community
  • Theresa Wiseman
    Kindred Spirit Pet Sitting endorsed 2017-04-06 11:30:46 -0500
    My company serves Oak Ridge and West Knoxville. I’d love more LGBTQ+ clients. When I need things done, for my company, I try to, always, hire members of the LGBTQ+ family. Join me in endorsing TEP!
  • Theresa Wiseman
    @KindrdSpiritPet tweeted link to this page. 2017-04-06 11:24:07 -0500
    I'm endorsing Tennessee Equality Project. Please join me! http://tnep.nationbuilder.com/tennessee_open_for_business?recruiter_id=82237
  • Bobby Prince
    www.bobbyaprince.com endorsed 2017-02-20 09:08:17 -0600
  • Terry Yeary
    Flat Fork Sellers endorsed 2017-02-15 03:57:50 -0600
    I’m endorsing Tennessee Equality Project for the great work they do in Tennessee….Join me!
  • Sandra Machleit
    E TENN Urological Supplies endorsed 2017-02-13 14:21:21 -0600
  • Jennifer Russomanno
    2 Chicks and a Farm endorsed 2017-02-12 07:23:15 -0600
  • Stefanie Hess
    Bridgewater Place endorsed 2017-02-11 11:13:48 -0600
  • Nancy Hellsten
    Nancy Hellsten Photography endorsed 2017-02-10 14:04:22 -0600
  • Alexis Helmrath
    Fierce Mama Fitness endorsed 2017-02-10 13:39:00 -0600
    The above address is my home address, since I rent space for my business. I teach my classes at Unlimited Training Systems, where the owner, Blake Denny, is also a member of Tennessee Open for Business.
  • Leslie Berez
    Sugar Mama's endorsed 2017-02-09 10:14:47 -0600
    This is fantastic!! Thank you so much!!
  • Prisi Selfridge
    Hairy Moose Pet Retreat endorsed 2017-02-08 20:01:57 -0600
    Just left the organizing meeting in Sumner County and wanted to sign up
  • Prisi Selfridge
    Hairy Moose Pet Retreat endorsed 2017-02-05 16:53:53 -0600
  • Kathy Puckett
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-02-03 20:51:49 -0600
    I'm endorsing Tennessee Equality Project. Please join me!
  • Kathleen Puckett
    A View From Within Distance Counseling endorsed 2017-02-03 20:51:13 -0600
  • Bill Burtch
    Harmony Coaching & Consulting endorsed 2017-02-01 15:16:27 -0600
  • Donna King
    Atomic Salon endorsed 2017-01-13 18:56:33 -0600
    I am the owner & stylist of a very gay-friendly hair salon. I am also a gay -married woman.
  • Eileen Castine
    Mr. Scruff's Pet Care endorsed 2016-12-27 13:13:35 -0600
    I endorsed this awhile ago but do not see my company’s name. We are gay owned and operated company !
  • Karyn Holbrook
    Nouveau Classics endorsed 2016-12-11 20:17:10 -0600
  • Andrew Jeske-Polyak
    Tennessee Boat Line endorsed 2016-12-01 20:08:45 -0600

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