Ada Pollock

  • Calling on Councilman Travis Holleman to resign

    Clarksville City Councilman Travis Holleman has used his platform to demean the LGBTQ community during public meetings. Incidents are recounted at this link and at this link. Public officials must represent all their constituents and should never disparage groups of people based on race, sex, religion, creed, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic.

    If you agree with the statement below, please add your name to this petition.

    514 signatures

    In solidarity with the LGBTQ community in Clarksville, we join their call for Councilman Travis Holleman to resign his office immediately.

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  • signed Call on the Coffee County DA to Resign 2019-06-16 21:54:11 -0500
    As the mom of an LGBTQ child I am afraid to visit Knoxville knowing that this man is representative of your law enforcement. This is absolutely terrifying and your county is not a place I will ever visit again unless this man is fired ASAP.

    Call on the Coffee County DA to Resign

    Coffee County District Attorney Craig Northcott has made anti-Muslim statements and said that he does not treat LGBTQ people experiencing domestic violence the same as other survivors.  He can no longer effectively serve the people of Coffee County or the thousands of people who visit Coffee County each year for Bonnaroo.

    434 signatures

    We call on Craig Northcott to resign the office of District Attorney for Coffee County.  His anti-Muslim statements and his admission that he does not treat LGBTQ domestic violence cases with respect are disqualifying for office.  He must step down so that the people of Coffee County can be served by a District Attorney who will apply the law according to the principle of equal protection.

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