Ryan Knop

  • donated 2025-01-24 10:09:44 -0600

    TEP Gumbo Contest Sponsorships 2025

    The 12th Tennessee Equality Project Gumbo Contest will be held on Sunday, February 16th, 2025 from 4:30 to 7 PM at the Memphis Sports and Events Center. TEP's annual celebration brings together teams from near and far to compete for the best gumbo in Memphis. Gumbo contestants will be awarded prizes by an appointed panel of judges and by individual tasters like you in the People’s Choice competition. You can purchase individual tickets at this link.

    TEP's annual gumbo competition draws large crowds who support the LGBTQ community of the Mid-South and draws many public and elected officials. 

    You can support this year’s event and the work of TEP to advance and protect equality in Tennessee as a host or in-kind sponsor. Here are the steps:

    1. Review the sponsor information below and select the right level for you on the webpage. If you prefer to write a check for your sponsorship, please email [email protected] to coordinate.  
    2. If you choose a Habanero or Serrano sponsorship, you will be assigned a VIP Table in the event space with a dedicated open bar.
    3. Sponsors will receive tickets to the event, provided in coordination with the Gumbo Planning Committee (e.g., by mail, delivered in-person, will-call, etc.).
    4. We ask that sponsors that do not need or wish to use all their tickets to let the gumbo planning committee know, so they may offer those tickets to attendees who otherwise could not attend the event: Contact us at [email protected]
    5. VIP Table recipients are encouraged to decorate their tables! Mardi Gras and Pride themes are welcome to celebrate the season and diversity of our community. Additionally, you may incorporate donatable items into your decorations like toiletries, clothing, or non-perishable food that will be provided to local pantries that support our community.
    6. Sponsors must submit event program ads and organizational logos for the sponsor reel (300+ dpi image) to the Gumbo Planning Committee at [email protected] by January 26, 2025 to guarantee ad placement. Ad specifications are listed below; please contact us with additional questions.


    How spicy do you like your gumbo? Gumbo contest sponsors may contribute as hosts for this event at the Habanero, Serrano, or Sweet Bell level as individuals, organizations or businesses:


    Flaming sponsors giving $1,500 will receive:

    • VIP Table (6 seats) with 6 gumbo tasting tickets for the People’s Choice competition which includes live music and dedicated open bar. 
    • Promotional advertisement of your business on the event web page. 
    • Promotion of your business or organization on the TEP Gumbo contest website and in the event program (full page ad - 5.5 x 8.5”), event announcements, event advertising, and individual slides on the sponsor reel display.*
    • Will be thanked from the main stage during event announcements


    Medium sponsors giving $750 will receive:

    • VIP Table (6 seats) with 6 gumbo tasting tickets for the People’s Choice competition which includes live music and dedicated open bar.
    • Promotional advertisement of your business on the event web page. 
    • Promotion of your business or organization on the TEP Gumbo contest website and in the event program (full page ad - 5.5 x 8.5”), and on the sponsor reel display.*


    Mild sponsors giving $250 will receive:

    • 2 gumbo tasting tickets for the People’s Choice competition which includes live music and dedicated open bar.
    • Promotion of your business, organization, or an honor in the event program (half page ad - 5.5 x 4.25” or 2.75 x 8.5”) and on a shared slide on the sponsor reel display.*

    *Sponsors must submit event program ads and organizational logos for the sponsor reel (300+ dpi image) to [email protected] by January 26, 2025 to guarantee ad placement.

    Click the "Continue" button on the left to contribute your desired sponsorship level based on the above table. 


    In-kind gifts for the event may be donated. In-kind sponsors will receive event admission tickets and promotion of your business in the event program. In-kind gifts of $750 or greater will receive a VIP Table with 6 seats. In-kind gifts are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

    To donate, volunteer, or for more information, contact the Gumbo Planning Committee at [email protected]

    Laissez le bon temps rouler!

    Why should your business or organization sponsor the TEP Gumbo Contest?

    Tennessee Equality Project Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, provides educational projects and programs which advance the well-being of LGBTQ people and their families here at home in Tennessee. Unlike many other organizations that advance equality, every dollar contributed to TEP Foundation is spent here in Tennessee.

    A diverse group of over 500 LGBTQ people and their allies attend the TEP Gumbo Contest each year. Attendees receive a program with sponsor ads and information, and will see the event sponsor reel on the projection screen during the event. Our PRESENTING sponsor and HABANERO sponsors will be thanked from the main stage during event announcements.  

    Your sponsorship will be advertised through the TEP Gumbo Contest Event web page, social media, and email list (20,000+ contacts). Tennessee Equality Project social media reach extends deeply in the Mid-South and the State of Tennessee:


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