Arlene Cleveland

  • donated 2024-09-04 12:51:34 -0500

    Support the Work of Tennessee Equality Project with a One Time Donation

    Governor.jpgAs a supporter of Tennessee Equality Project, your contribution funds the advancement of policies through direct and grass roots lobbying which protect the rights of LGBT people and their families here at home in Tennessee. Contributions to TEP (a 501(c)(4) organization) are not tax deductible.

    If you would prefer to make a tax-deductible contribution to Tennessee Equality Project Foundation, click here.



    Other Giving Options

    Some supporters prefer to write a check or make monthly donations to Tennessee Equality Project through ActBlue at this link.

    Checks may be mailed to the following address:

    Tennessee Equality Project | P.O. Box 330875 | Nashville, TN 37203 

    Thank you for supporting Tennessee Equality Project.


  • Calling on Councilman Travis Holleman to resign

    Clarksville City Councilman Travis Holleman has used his platform to demean the LGBTQ community during public meetings. Incidents are recounted at this link and at this link. Public officials must represent all their constituents and should never disparage groups of people based on race, sex, religion, creed, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic.

    If you agree with the statement below, please add your name to this petition.

    514 signatures

    In solidarity with the LGBTQ community in Clarksville, we join their call for Councilman Travis Holleman to resign his office immediately.

    Add signature

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