Tennessee Equality Voice is our media engagement program. Across the state we respond to media requests, pitch stories, and write op-eds to advance the values of equality and inclusion. For more information, contact us at [email protected] .
2016 Media Pieces including TEP
1.April 6. Tennessean on passage of the counseling discrimination bill.
2. April 9. Wall Street Journal on the counseling discrimination bill.
3. April 9. Commercial Appeal on gender identity and jails.
1. March 3. Nashville Scene on anti-marriage equality resolution's passage in the House.
2. March 20. Tennessean column by Lucas Womack on Legislature's indifference to LGBT people
3. March 21. WKRN on TEP petition to Governor Haslam on anti-trans bathroom bill.
4. March 22. Nashville Scene on anti-trans bathroom bill being sent to summer study in the House.
5. March 22. National Public Radio on masonic gay controversy.
6. March 23. Knoxville News Sentinel column by Rev. Laura Bogle on anti-trans bathroom bill.
7. March 23. WSMV on masonic gay controversy.
8. March 29. WVLT on the dangers of the counseling discrimination bill.
9. March 30. Raw Story piece on counseling discrimination bill.
1. February 1. New Civil Rights Movement on a Tennessee father who threatened his daughter with a knife when she came out.
2. February 1. Out & About Nashville op-ed by TEP on bills we face this session.
3. February 6. Out & About Nashville on the importance of fighting local anti-equality resolutions.
4. February 8. WKRN on the Franklin County High School GSA.
5. February 9. The Daily Times story on the Tennessee Equality Center.
6. February 10. The Nashville Scene on committee passage of the Counseling Discrimination bill.
7. February 11. Times Free Press on committee passage of the Counseling Discrimination bill.
8. February 12. Towleroad on Tennessee' Counseling Discrimination bill and anti-marriage equality resolution.
9. February 12. WKRN on the Counseling Discrimination bill.
10. Feb. 12. The Tennessean on Jennifer Sheridan's new film project. Tennessee Open For Business is mentioned.
11. Feb. 13. The Leaf Chronicle on APSU GSA's Drag Idol and support of TEP.
12. Feb. 17. The Tennessean on Senate passage of the Counseling Discrimination bill.
13. Feb. 17. Fox17 on Senate passage of the Counseling Discrimination bill.
14. Feb. 17. WSMV on Senate passage of the Counseling Discrimination bill.
15. Feb. 18. NewsChannel5 on Senate passage of the Counseling Discrimination bill.
16. Feb. 18. Capitol View Commentary on Senate passage of the Counseling Discrimination bill and TEP opposition.
17. Feb. 20 and 21. WATE on the accidental shooting of TEP Foundation Chair Gwen Schablik.
18. Feb. 23. Nashville Scene on victory in Washington County.
19. Feb. 23. The Tennessean on the Counseling Discrimination bill being taken off notice for now.
20. Feb. 24. WKNO story on Masons ousting same-sex couple.
21. Feb. 24. UT Daily Beacon on the Counseling Discrimination bill.
22. Feb. 29. Nashville Scene on Tennessee clergy opposing anti-trans bathroom bill.
1. January 1 Fox17 story on Dickson County Commission anti-marriage equality resolution.
2. January 1 TEP letter to the editor of the Daily News Journal on Rep. Womick's anti-marriage equality proposal.
3. January 3 Johnson City Press story on TEP's efforts to fight anti-marriage equality resolutions.
4. January 4. David Shelton's column in the (Clarksville) Leaf Chronicle responds to state legislative attacks on marriage equality. TEP comments are included.
5. January 4. WSMV on the Dickson County anti-marriage equality resolution.
6. January 4. Fox17 story on a representative involved in a Twitter feud and anti-LGBT comments.
7. January 6. Nashville Scene on anti-marriage equality resolutions popping up all over Tennessee.
8. January 9. David Shelton's column in The Tennessean responds to state legislative attacks on marriage equality. TEP comments are included.
9. January 10. The Associated Press on TEP's efforts to resist county anti-marriage equality resolutions.
10. January 11. WMOT looks at the anti-marriage equality resolution in Rutherford County.
11. January 11. Johnson City Press looks at the division among Washington County Commissioners on the upcoming anti-marriage equality resolution. TEP comments.
12. January 12. Daily News Journal piece on the growing opposition to the Rutherford County anti-marriage equality resolution.
13. January 13. WJHL on the anti-marriage equality resolutions being considered in Northeast TN.
14. January 14. The Nashville Scene on the fight against the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act and the potential costs.
15. January 14. The New Civil Rights Movement on the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act being up for a vote.
16. January 14. The Tennessean on the cost of the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
17. January 14. Fox17 on the gutted Rutherford County resolution.
18. January 14. NewsChannel5 on the ways the Rutherford County resolution was amended and watered down.
19. January 14. MTSU Sidelines on the role played by the MTSU community at the Rutherford County Commission meeting.
20. January 15. The New Civil Rights Movement on the backlash against the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
21. January 15. The Murfreesboro Post on the Rutherford County Commission's heavily amended resolution.
22. January 16. Piece in Johnson City Press about the Carter County anti-marriage equality resolution.
23. January 17. Legislative wrap up by The Tennessean including the fact that TEP is closely watching the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
24. January 17. The Commercial Appeal takes a look at TEP's January 24 Gumbo Contest.
25. January 18. State legislators back county anti-marriage equality resolutions, according to the Johnson City Press.
26. January 19. The Memphis Flyer on the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
27. January 19. The Advocate on the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
28. January 19. Nashville Public Radio on the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
29. January 19. WKRN on the Dickson County anti-marriage equality resolution.
30. January 19. WSMV on the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
31. January 19. NewsChannel5 on the Dickson County anti-marriage equality resolution.
32. January 19. Fox17 story on the Dickson County anti-marriage equality resolution.
33. January 20. The Tennessean on the defeat of the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
34. January 21. The Advocate on the defeat of the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
35. January 21. The Tennessean on the suit filed by Family Action against the Williamson Co Clerk to prevent the issuing of marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
36. January 21. The Bristol paper on the Washington County anti-marriage equality resolution.
37. January 21. Out & About Nashville on the Family Action lawsuit against the Williamson Co Clerk.
38. January 22. UT Daily Beacon on the demise of the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
39. January 24. Johnson City Press on the resistance to the Washington County anti-marriage equality resolution.
40. January 25. Johnson City Press on the huge turnout at the Washington County Commission meeting that caused it to be adjourned and rescheduled.
41. January 27. Hartsville Vidette story via Tennessee News Service on the defeat of the TN Natural Marriage Defense Act.
42. January 28. Fox 17 on the Counseling Discrimination bill.