Nichol Albertson

  • Censure Commissioner Hurst, make Sevier County policies inclusive

    The racist and homophobic comments of Sevier County Commissioner Warren Hurst have shocked people across the country.  Please, add your name to protest his divisive words and call for policy change in Sevier County, Tennessee.  We will deliver your signatures to the Sevier County Government in November at the next county commission meeting.

    1,742 signatures

    To the Honorable Larry Waters, Mayor of Sevier County, and to the honorable members of the Sevier County Commission:

    Calls have gone out across the country for Commissioner Warren Hurst to resign over his racist and homophobic comments. While that decision is in his hands, we call on you to censure him by resolution of the Sevier County Commission and to update the employment non-discrimination policy of Sevier County Government to protect county employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.  We urge you to make this policy change by executive order immediately, to be followed by a confirming ordinance or resolution of the County Commission. 

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  • @MsArocksTN tweeted link to Urge Gov. Haslam to protect LGBTQ state government employees. 2018-12-27 08:19:39 -0600
    Sign the petition: Urge Gov. Haslam to protect LGBTQ state government employees

    Urge Gov. Haslam to protect LGBTQ state government employees

    Outgoing Ohio Governor John Kasich recently signed an executive order barring discrimination against state government employees on the basis of gender identity.  Discrimination based on sexual orientation was already banned. 

    Outgoing Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam could do the same for our state government employees.  Sign the petition and urge him to protect LGBTQ state government employees by executive order.  If we get 1000+ signatures, we will deliver them to the Governor's office. 

    647 signatures

    Dear Governor Haslam,

    We urge you to sign an executive order protecting Tennessee state government employees from job discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, the same protections that Ohio state government employees enjoy thanks to the recent executive order signed by outgoing Ohio Governor John Kasich.

    Employees of our public colleges and universities already enjoy these projections as do the public employees in Metro Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Memphis, and Knox County.  Everyone deserves the opportunity to work without the fear of discrimination. 

    Thank you for considering our views.

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  • commented on YOUR Districts 2017-05-15 18:36:35 -0500
    Bill Beck and Steve Dickerson

    YOUR Districts

    Tell us your state senate and state house districts.  Note:  We are NOT asking for your U.S. Senate and U.S. House districts (the elected officials who meeting in Washington, D.C. ).  We are asking about your elected officials you meet in Nashville--your state senator and your state representative.  You can find them at this link by entering your street address.

    So tell us your state senator and your state representative as well as your email address.  Thank you!

    Send feedback

  • commented on Pride Volunteers 2017 2017-05-15 18:35:59 -0500
    Nashville pride

    Niki albertson

    [email protected]

    Pride Volunteers 2017

    Please, tell us your name, email address, and for which Pride festival you will be volunteering.  For example, are you volunteering for Knoxville Pridefest?  If so, note that.  Thanks.

    Send feedback

  • donated via 2017-06-28 05:32:49 -0500

    Resisting Discrimination All Year

    1414 donors
    50 donors


    The signs are clear.  We will face challenges to the legal and social equality we have achieved in the coming years.  The forces of reaction at the national and state level are strong.  But YOU can help us fight back all year with a sustaining, monthly investment in our work.  Monthly giving is the best option for most budgets and it provides TEP with a reliable source of revenue for the battles we face throughout the year.

    Although your gift is not deductible for purposes of federal income tax, it has the advantage of supporting direct lobbying and legislative organizing to protect Tennessee's LGBT community.  Please, consider starting your monthly investment today.  We are grateful for your support.

    If you prefer to make a ONE-TIME donation to TEP, you can do so here.


  • posted about Demand EEOC pursue LGBT job discrimination cases on Facebook 2017-01-30 16:22:21 -0600
    Sign the petition: Demand EEOC pursue LGBT job discrimination cases

    Demand EEOC pursue LGBT job discrimination cases


    On January 27, Slate reported that the EEOC may withdraw from a case involving job discrimination against Amiee Stephens, a transgender woman.  New Commission chair Victoria Lipnic said "Administration-related changes" were the reason. 


    1. Send your own email to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission at [email protected] and urge the Commission to continue pursuing cases of LGBT job discrimination.

    2. Sign the petition.  If we reach or exceed 1000 signatures, we will deliver them to the Nashville EEOC office.

    388 signatures

    Dear Commissioners,

    We urge you to continue viewing job discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people as sex discrimination under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.  In particular, you must continue to pursue the case of Amiee Stephens and other cases like it. 

    Your own report indicates there were 1768 charges of anti-LGBT job discrimination in 2016.  In many states, there are no explicit protections for LGBT workers.  Without your efforts, LGBT people are often defenseless against job discrimination.  You must continue to pursue these cases.

    Thank you for considering our views.

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  • LGBTQ open letter to our fellow Tennesseans

    667 signatures



    An open letter from Tennessee's LGBTQ community to our fellow Tennesseans


    As members of the LGBTQ community, we write to our fellow Tennesseans a month after the election and a month before the upcoming state legislative session.


    In recent weeks members of our community have experienced grave assaults on our safety and dignity.  A gay, gender nonconforming man was murdered.  A transgender woman’s car was burned. The signs and doors of a church that affirms our community have been vandalized.  A gay couple received a package with a knife sticking out and a message attached urging them to leave the state. 


    These attacks upon individuals and institutions have put our lives and safety at even greater risk than usual.  They contravene the welcoming traditions of hospitality for which Tennessee is known.  


    The time we have entered is critical.  Many are calling for healing in the wake of a divisive election. Healing is difficult while fresh wounds are being inflicted such as discriminatory state legislation.


    So we are speaking out for our safety, dignity, and equal rights under the law.


    Our struggle is not against your values, unless you value discrimination.  LGBTQ Tennesseans are your neighbors, your family members, your health care providers, firefighters, grocery clerks, teachers, elected officials, and we fill many other roles vital to the life of small towns and large cities.  Many of us grew up and continue to be active in the same faith communities as you.  


    In the long story of our community’s struggles, we have relied on our own strength to sustain us.  We have also experienced the joy of  working with countless allies.  Now is a time for allies to speak out with us and we  invite people of good will throughout the state to build a stronger, inclusive, welcoming Tennessee to meet our state’s common challenges together.

    If you share these values and priorities, we invite you to add your name to this letter.

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  • posted about No special legislative session for bathroom discrimination! on Facebook 2016-05-17 23:40:01 -0500
    I oppose a special legislative session for discrimination. Will you join me?

    No special legislative session for bathroom discrimination!

    On the evening of May 17, The Tennessean and The Commercial Appeal reported that legislators are considering a special legislative session to take up a new effort to pass a statewide anti-transgender bathroom discrimination law.  Sign YOUR name to the statement below and we'll deliver your signatures to legislative leaders:

    1,074 signatures

    Dear Speaker Ramsey and Speaker Harwell:

    We oppose a special legislative session to consider an anti-transgender bathroom discrimination law.  It is never justified to spend the state's time and money to advance discrimination.  Thank you for considering our views.

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  • posted about No Discrimination in Federal Contracts! on Facebook 2016-05-08 08:49:32 -0500
    The U.S. House of Representatives is trying to gut President Obama's non-discrimination executive order. Fight back!

    No Discrimination in Federal Contracts!

    In late April the U.S. House Armed Services Committee voted to undo President Obama's non-discrimination executive orders for federal contracts via the Russell amendment.  This amendment is part of the National Defense Authorization Act. 

    Removal of the President's executive orders on non-discrimination would be a disaster for LGBT people in states like Tennessee that lack employment protections covering sexual orientation and gender identity. 

    Please, sign this petition to Tennessee's two U.S. Senators and nine members of the U.S. House of Representatives and we will make sure copies are sent to their offices.

    553 signatures

    Dear Senators Alexander and Corker and Representatives Roe, Duncan, Fleischmann, Desjarlais, Cooper, Black, Blackburn, Fincher, and Cohen:

    We oppose the Russell amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act and similar efforts to reverse President Obama's executive orders on employment non-discrimination for federal contractors.  Protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is important to Tennesseans.  Thank you for considering our views.

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  • signed Tennessee Loves Target 2016-05-03 00:28:05 -0500

    Tennessee Loves Target

    ellyahnnaTarget.jpgTarget's trans-inclusive policies are under attack in Tennessee.  A Mt Juliet pastor's rant went viral and this week at a Hendersonville Target, protesters shouted religious wrath at employees and customers.  But we know that Tennessee loves Target and it's time to show it!

    As former TEP Board member Ellyahnna Hall (pictured) notes:  

    "I support Target for trying to provide a safe space for all people. I'm a trans woman and I've faced the dangers of not having access to restrooms that corespond to my gender identity. If opponents are really concerned with safety then let's focus on tougher rape laws and enforcing those, not creating a fake danger that doesn't exist."

    Sign the petition statement and show Target some love.  We'll deliver hard copies of the petition to select Target locations in Tennessee.


    1,050 signatures

    Tennessee loves Target.  I support the company's transgender-inclusive policies and I will continue to shop at their stores.                                               



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  • endorsed 2016-04-19 22:33:23 -0500

    Stop using religion to discriminate in Tennessee


    On April 18, 2016 about 30 pastors shamefully stood in Legislative Plaza and spoke in favor of the anti-transgender student bathroom bill.  And religion was used to advance the counseling discrimination bill.  Many more clergy across Tennessee publicly opposed both bills.

    Whether you're religious or not, aren't you tired of religion being used to support discrimination in our laws?  If so, endorse this statement:

    We oppose the use of religion to justify discrimination in Tennessee law.  To use religion to divide us in our public life violates the spirit of the U.S. and Tennessee Constitutions, does harm to the people of Tennessee, and brings scandal to religion.


  • endorsed via 2016-01-24 19:58:34 -0600
    I am a gay Tennessee resident and long time educator. I live an upstanding life of service and I deserve equal rights under the law. It is unconstitutional to deny another’s rights on the basis of religious beliefs. Marriage helps define property and family rights, and is a vital construct in the pursuit of happiness. As a gay Tennessean, I want to feel that my rights are respected and protected by the legislators of my state. Further, as a taxpayer, it is frustrating to see our “fiscally conservative” legislature take on the potentially heavy legal costs to defend these unconstitutional proposals to defy the Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage. Yes, the tenth amendment affirms states rights, but the fourteenth amendment secures individual freedoms – even and especially the freedoms of minority populations. It would be unAmerican and short sighted; not to mention repetitious of a not too distant time in the past when Southern states were notorious for denying minority individuals’ rights; to vote in favor of any proposal to defy the Supreme Court and deny gay marriage.

    The People's Resolution Opposing Tennessee House Joint Resolution 529 on Marriage Equality

    Sign on as a co-sponsor of the People's Resolution Opposing Tennessee House Joint Resolution 529 on Marriage Equality.

    WHEREAS, Rep.  Susan Lynn has introduced a resolution urging the members of the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee to express their disagreement with the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges; and

    WHEREAS, the Tennessee Constitution affirms "That the citizens have a right, in a peaceable manner, to assemble together, for their common good, to instruct their representatives, and to apply to those invested with the powers of government for redress of grievances or other proper purposes, by address or remonstrance;" and

    WHEREAS, the State of Tennessee ought to be focused on the legal equality of all its people rather than attacking the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender community; and

    WHEREAS, "the equal protection of the laws" is a cherished principle in American jurisprudence; now, therefore,

    BE IT RESOLVED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, that we oppose House Joint Resolution 529 and urge the members of the 109th General Assembly of the State of Tennessee to uphold the entire Constitution of the United States, including the Fourteenth Amendment, and cease their legislative attacks on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.


  • commented on What if something beautiful were happening for equality in Tennessee and we missed it? 2015-08-04 06:13:34 -0500
    I share without comment – it’s an acknowledgment. It’s to raise awareness and incite others to think and comment. I disagree that sharing without comment is an act of getting stuck in the hideous. I agree that we can’t be frozen by the medusa of hate. I also vigorously disagree with those who disparage TN as a quality place to live. My take is that TN needs us, and that it’s a place where my unapologetic existence is, in itself, revolutionary. I have the feeling of being a fighter on the front lines of equality by just loving and living openly and freely. I believe Nashville is a world- class city, and our dialog and diversity are part of what makes it so.
  • posted about Tuesday Twitter Team on Facebook 2015-05-04 05:07:55 -0500
    I signed up to volunteer for Tennessee Equality Project. Join me!

    Tuesday Twitter Team

    We need you for the Tuesday Twitter Team.  Once you sign up, we'll send you a sample message to tweet on Tuesday that you can adapt or edit.twitterfollow.png

    And every Tuesday or almost every Tuesday, we'll send you information about what needs to be tweeted that day.  You can help move the equality message forward in Tennessee every Tuesday.  Welcome to the TEP Tuesday Twitter Team!


    Become a volunteer

  • donated 2014-12-14 16:22:17 -0600

    Matching our Moment

    $5,255.00 raised
    GOAL: $4,000.00

    Generous anonymous donors have come forward and offered to match all donations to the TEP Foundation between NOW and 11:59 p.m. Central Time on December 31!  That means that your gift is doubled and your impact for advancing equality in Tennessee is doubled. 

    C A N  W E  M A T C H  O U R  M O M E N T ?

    Matching Our Moment...Marriage equality is on its way to Tennessee, but what happens when a lesbian working at a company with no non-discrimination policy puts a picture of her wife on her desk?  We've made progress in our cities, but too often hate violence erupts in the very cities where we've passed non-discrimination ordinances and partner benefits.  And while the adults start to get legal protections, LGBT students in Tennessee are left behind--bullied at schools and in some cases driven out of their homes by parents who refuse to accept them because their minds have taken in hateful messages.

    Our Moment is one of opposition, one of need, and most of all, one of opportunity.  Can we match our moment? 

    Your tax deductible contribution to the TEP Foundation by December 31 helps us do just that.  You can give online or send your dated check in a post-marked envelope to P.O. Box 330895  Nashville, TN 37203.

    Matching Our Opposition:  We face two kinds of opposition in Tennessee.  There is the very well-funded public arm of opposition in the form of far Right lobbying groups that seek to promote a culture of fear and intolerance in congregations, in the media, and in our Legislature.  And then there is more diffused kind of opposition--a sermon that seems to come from out of nowhere, an outrageous remark by a county commissioner, or a store that refuses to serve a transgender person.  The TEP Foundation's programs through diversity training, media engagement, and Equality Means Business help shape Tennessee's culture with the values of equality and inclusion.  When you invest in equality in Tennessee, you give us a fighting chance against the opposition.

    Matching Our Need:  The data on bullying in our schools tells the story.  The Tennessee Department of Education revealed there were over 5400 confirmed cases of bullying in Tennessee schools in 2012.  National data consistently shows Southern states are underfunded by significant percentages.  LGBT people and our allies need victories, however small, and we need hope so that victories can grow.  TEP Foundation programs like SAFE (Schools Are For Everyone) Tennessee assist GSAs, help communities deal with bullying, and help citizens engage their school boards with solutions. 

    Matching Our Opportunity:  Potential allies are all around us.  Meaningful victories are within reach.  How we handle the first days of marriage equality in Tennessee can set the stage for a safer, more inclusive Tennessee for all of us.  When you support TEP Foundation programs like Tennessee Ready for Marriage on DAY ONE and Equality Means Business you give allies concrete ways to show their support and grow the movement.  We are grateful for your support.


  • signed Urge Yoke Ministries to Stop Discriminating 2014-11-21 18:22:05 -0600
    As a gay, Christian educator living a productive life of service, I sign the petition to voice my opposition to the mistaken idea that a person’s bisexuality is equatable to drug addiction. To deny a person’s ability to volunteer in service of the community is to unjustifiably marginalize a person and to deprive the community of valuable service. It is time we recognize in all people humanity and equity; it is time to eliminate prejudice and bias that is harmful to individuals and society.

    Urge Yoke Ministries to Stop Discriminating

    61 signatures

    Cassie Hopkins, a young bisexual woman, had volunteered at Yoke Youth Ministries in Jefferson County.  The program is interdenominational and draws on the work of young adults to mentor middle-school students.  She had gone through the screening process and there were no complaints about her work as a volunteer.  After disclosing her sexual orientation on Facebook, her supervisor told her that she would no longer be allowed to volunteer, even though there is nothing in Yoke's written policies about sexual orientation.  Her supervisor compared bisexuality to alcoholism and drug addiction.

    Let's show support for Cassie and remind our fellow Tennesseans and especially Yoke that people can serve and contribute to enriching the lives of youth in our state regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.  This is a message Yoke and many others need to hear.  Please, add your voice. 

    We are glad to partner with the LGBT Alumni of Carson-Newman on this project.  They first brought the case to our attention.

    Note:  We are not arguing about whether anyone has the legal ability to discriminate in Tennessee.  What we are contesting is whether it is right to exclude talented people from helping youth simply because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. 


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pup lover, educator, paper folder, barefoot walker, kayaker, techie in Music City
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