Tell us your state senate and state house districts. Note: We are NOT asking for your U.S. Senate and U.S. House districts (the elected officials who meeting in Washington, D.C. ). We are asking about your elected officials you meet in Nashville--your state senator and your state representative. You can find them at this link by entering your street address.
So tell us your state senator and your state representative as well as your email address. Thank you!
Rep. Matt Hill
Sen. Lee Harris, Senate District 29
Sen. Mike Bell-Senate Distruct 9
Sen. Richard Briggs
Ferrell Haile
Mark Norris
Rick Tilis
Sen. Doug Overby
Sen- Sara Kyle
Sen. Frank Niceley, Senate District 8
Steven Dickerson Senate Dist. 20
Sen. Thelma Harper
Timothy Hill (House District 03)
Rep Charles Sargent (house district 61)
Rep. Bryan Terry (House district 48)
John DeBerry (Dist 90)
State Senator is Janice Bowling
Sen. Harris
Sen Jff Yarbro
Sen. Jon Lundberg
Senator Dickerson