Tennessee's Slate of Hate grows with new anti-trans and marriage bills

The list of bills attacking the LGBTQ community is growing in Tennessee. 

Here are are some of the latest additions:

SB2215/HB2576 by Sen. Bowling and Rep. Ragan:  This bill interferes with the ability of parents and physicians to provide gender affirming care to transgender youth, even labeling those involved as child abusers.

SB2625/HB2410 by Sen. Bowling and Rep. Ragan:  A bizarre bill that attempts to define secular marriage as marriage between a man and a woman and an attempt to establish secular marriage in Tennessee.  It is another odd approach at undoing marriage equality.  SB2290/HB2310 by Sen. Bowling and Rep. Leatherwood deletes the statute on marriage licensing. These are both efforts to interrupt and eventually undo marriage equality.

Also new this year are two anti-transgender student athlete bills.  One is by Sen. Pody and Rep. Griffey (SB2077/HB1572) and the other is by Sen. Hensley and Rep. Cepicky (SB1736/HB1689).

There is a new bill that increases the likelihood that LGBTQ and Pride displays at public libraries would be censored or curtailed by Sen. Bailey and Rep. Holt (SB2896/HB2721).

Held over from last year are three bills that could still advance:

SB364/HB563 by Sen. Rose and Rep. Zachary:  The Business License to Discriminate bill has already passed the House and could come up in the Senate State & Local Government Committee.

SB1499/HB1274 by Sen. Hensley and Rep. Holt:  This is the Tennessee twist on the anti-transgender student bathroom bill.  Instead of setting a blanket, statewide policy for every school, this bill provides legal support to school districts that adopt anti-transgender student bathroom policies.

SB1282/HB1369 by Sen. Pody and Rep. Jerry Sexton is the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act.

Already passed:

Sadly the adoption discrimination bill that allows public funds to go to adoption/foster care agencies that turn away LGBTQ and other prospective parents because of a religious or moral objection became law in January.

How to Help:

1. We need district captains for the March 3 Advancing Equality Day on the Hill in Nashville.  District captains set up meetings with their own legislators, run those meetings, and report back on those meetings.  If you are interested, be in touch at [email protected] .

2. Volunteer in other ways.  Contact Jeremiah Dameron at [email protected] if you can help.

3. Make a contribution at this link.



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