Dear friends,
I've been watching two sets of headlines for months. The first set chronicles victories in marriage equality. We all see those and "like" them on social media. The other sort is more troubling, though. If you look closely there are many headlines about the destructive ways that our opponents are resisting victories in marriage equality, job discrimination protections, etc., especially in the South.
Here's a sampling:
*Three bills in Oklahoma designed to deprive the LGBT community of victory.
*A Kentucky bill giving a cash reward to students outing transgender students in restrooms.
*Alabama probate judges trying to find ways to avoid issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples.
*So-called Religious Freedom/Turn the Gays Away bills in Virginia, North Carolina, and other states.
*Starkville, Mississippi repeals its nondiscrimination measures.
*A Texas bill to nullify the non-discrimination ordinances of its cities and counties.
I think you get the point. Advancing equality in the South is not easy because you have to continue to fight to consolidate the gains you've made. We have some advantages in Tennessee that help us when these situations come up. This Huffington Post piece from last year listed some of them. We also organize in every region of the state. We have a great lobbyist. We have one-of-a-kind programs like Tennessee Ready for Marriage on DAY ONE. And we have a strong media presence. But we will not escape the efforts of the far Right to roll back progress.
To make it all work, we need your help. 1. Can you attend TEP's 11th annual Advancing Equality Day on the Hill this year? RSVP here. 2. Can you encourage businesses to join Equality Means Business free of charge at this link? This program helps grow a network of affirming spaces in our state. 3. And would you consider signing up to give a few dollars a month to help our legislative efforts at this link?
Good lobbying and good organizing are worth the investment in Tennessee. They help us defend ourselves and move equality forward in our state. More attacks will surely come. Please, help us prepare!
Gratefully yours,
Chris Sanders
Executive Director
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