Canvassers tell all in new expose

One of the best projects we have worked on is canvassing middle-of-the-road voters in conservative districts on the Tennessee Natural Marriage Defense Act.  I think it's a project you should consider supporting with a contribution of $10 or more at the link.

We deliberately chose conservative districts and we avoided cherry-picking liberal voters because we wanted to get a real sense of whether our neighbors in Tennessee back this ridiculous bill.  So far, we are finding that more than half of the people we talk to in person are willing to sign a card to their legislator against it.  I think that's a great impact!

Canvassers have worked in Manchester, Maryville, and Dickson so far.  We are headed back to Maryville this Sunday, Bristol on November 7, back to Manchester on November 14, and back to Dickson on November 15.  If you can't contribute, please consider joining us in one of those locations.

Read what some of our canvassers have to say:

"While Canvassing in Manchester, I realized that we were in a very RED city. Most of our voters we went door to door to were non-Democratic or Republican. I was amazed by the end that more than half of those voters actually said YES they would sign our cards in support of our cause." -Caleb Banks

-"The people I talked to that took the survey and signed the postcard were thankful that there was a group that is bringing awareness to this bill." -Gwen Schablik

Any anxiety that existed before knocking on the doors was eliminated once we realized how supportive the community was of our mission. There were also several people who didn't know about the bill, and they were surprised and frustrated that it wasn't getting more attention.  Being able to educate them on the issue, and allow them an opportunity to voice their concern was incredibly rewarding!" -Leslie Wilson-Charles

This project has clearly been a great way to engage volunteers while also making an impact against a destructive piece of legislation.  Help continue to take the message to every part of Tennessee, to the parts of Tennessee outside our larger cities where it matters.  Support the canvassing project with a contribution of $10 or more today.

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