As well as filing bills, the Legislature is also scheduling existing bills to hit committee and floor calendars in the launch of their 2024 session. Use the campaigns in this post to advocate for the LGBTQ community.
CALL: Use the easy scripts at the link to leave messages with the Senate Judiciary on a wedding officiant bill and a parent rights bills. Note: If you don't wish to speak to a live person, leave messages in the evening or on the weekend. The numbers provided are office numbers with voice mail.
EMAIL: Use the easy form at this link to email the members of the Senate Judiciary to oppose SB596 and SB620. Please, note that SB596 is NOT about marriage LICENSES.
SHOW UP: Come to the Capitol at 11:00 a.m. Central Time. The Legislature convenes at Noon. Wear your Balcony Brigade shirt if you have one. If not, we'll provide stickers. Co-hosted with HRC Nashville. RSVP at the Facebook event link.
SHOW UP: Come to Senate Hearing Room 1 in the Cordell Hull Building at 4:00 p.m. as the Senate Judiciary votes on a marriage officiant bill and a parent rights bill. RSVP at the Facebook event link. Note: As of 1pm on January 8, we are hearing that neighbor bill may be discussed at the committee meeting.
Chris Sanders published this page in Blog 2024-01-04 17:55:26 -0600