Francine Antonacci

  • Paint Works endorsed 2017-12-11 10:56:57 -0600
    discrimination should never be tolerated especially when serving the public. If they get away with this what is next in terms of discrimination…slippery slope.

    Tennessee Open For Business

    openforbiz.pngTennessee Open For Business is a free program for Tennessee small businesses that pledge not to discriminate against their employees or customers on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. That means that member businesses do not discriminate against gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender individuals or couples or do harm to the LGBTQ community.  Members will get a listing on our website, a post on Facebook, and a window cling suitable for display in their storefront. The program is made possible through generous support of the Brooks Fund of the Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.

    The Tennessee Equality Project reserves the right to refuse membership in this program to any applicant and to revoke the membership of any business.

    You can see a list of some of the current members of Tennessee Open For Business at this link

    For questions, contact us at [email protected].


  • signed No Discrimination in Federal Contracts! 2016-05-09 11:10:18 -0500
    You can stop discrimination and hate in TN.

    No Discrimination in Federal Contracts!

    In late April the U.S. House Armed Services Committee voted to undo President Obama's non-discrimination executive orders for federal contracts via the Russell amendment.  This amendment is part of the National Defense Authorization Act. 

    Removal of the President's executive orders on non-discrimination would be a disaster for LGBT people in states like Tennessee that lack employment protections covering sexual orientation and gender identity. 

    Please, sign this petition to Tennessee's two U.S. Senators and nine members of the U.S. House of Representatives and we will make sure copies are sent to their offices.

    553 signatures

    Dear Senators Alexander and Corker and Representatives Roe, Duncan, Fleischmann, Desjarlais, Cooper, Black, Blackburn, Fincher, and Cohen:

    We oppose the Russell amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act and similar efforts to reverse President Obama's executive orders on employment non-discrimination for federal contractors.  Protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity is important to Tennesseans.  Thank you for considering our views.

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  • signed Defend Diversity at UT-Knoxville: Veto SB1912 2016-04-23 21:15:48 -0500
    I think this clearly sends the wrong message to citizens of TN and the country. Is the hate level or level of fear that high.

    Defend Diversity at UT-Knoxville: Veto SB1912

    The Legislature passed SB1912/HB2248 that removes funding from the Office for Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.  Sign this petition that we will deliver to Governor Haslam asking him to veto the bill.

    2,097 signatures

    Governor Haslam, we call on you to veto SB1912/HB2248 and protect the University of Tennessee-Knoxville's Office for Diversity and Inclusion.  The office plays a vital role in making the university competitive for the best students, faculty, and staff and it makes campus life welcoming for all.  Thank you for considering our views.

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  • endorsed 2016-04-21 11:14:13 -0500
    I believe in the separation of church and state, and I whole heartedly respect other people and their religious beliefs or religious sect. When people feel overwhelmed and scared of change it is good to hear many points of view in order to problem solve correctly. Here in TN and other states they parade their faith in order to hate, discriminate and take the stance that it is the Christian thing to do. Those who believe this are in fact religiously persecuting others who don’t believe in what they believe in by legislating laws that support this kind of discrimination. Transgenderism is being referenced along with pedophilia, just not true. Pedophilia is present in all cultures, heterosexual etc. The counseling bill is outrageous, it is hurtful and puts victims at risk mentally and physically. If you have a job that serves the public, serve the public or go to the private sector, but hurtful provisions should not be given to those who can’t fulfill their job requirements.

    Stop using religion to discriminate in Tennessee


    On April 18, 2016 about 30 pastors shamefully stood in Legislative Plaza and spoke in favor of the anti-transgender student bathroom bill.  And religion was used to advance the counseling discrimination bill.  Many more clergy across Tennessee publicly opposed both bills.

    Whether you're religious or not, aren't you tired of religion being used to support discrimination in our laws?  If so, endorse this statement:

    We oppose the use of religion to justify discrimination in Tennessee law.  To use religion to divide us in our public life violates the spirit of the U.S. and Tennessee Constitutions, does harm to the people of Tennessee, and brings scandal to religion.


  • signed Governor Haslam, Fight for trans students and against SB2387/HB2414 via 2016-04-06 22:38:36 -0500
    this is total discrimination and violates peoples civil liberties. If these counselors can’t serve all clients who are in need, they need to hang their shingle out somewhere else. I’m paying people this kind of money to sit around and take time to make TN look like a hateful state intolerant of change and growth.

    Governor Haslam, Fight for trans students and against SB2387/HB2414

    Please, join us in encouraging Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam to fight against this attack on transgender students.

    984 signatures

    Dear Governor Haslam,

    We call on you to do everything in your power to lobby against passage of SB2387/HB2414, the anti-transgender student bathroom bill.  We also ask that you VETO the bill if it reaches your desk. 

    The bill endangers vulnerable students and it risks significant U.S. Department of Education funds to Tennessee.  If this bill became law, the enforcement would be a nightmare for school districts across the state. 

    Show the world that Tennessee is a welcoming state.  Thank you for considering our views.

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  • signed VETO Hate Bill 1840, the Counseling Discrimination bill 2016-04-06 14:09:31 -0500
    HB1840- if counselors feel the need to turn clients away due to lifestyle choices, this bill allows them to turn any client away for any other reason. It is discrimination in BOLD PRINT no matter how you look at it. They need to be in some other line of work, not dealing with people. Clients are being subjected to “religious persecution”…why is that ok? As a taxpayer in TN. this is not what I want from this legislative body. This isn’t friendly Nashville, TN. This kind of thing is going on all over the world due to religious differences- it produces hate, wars etc. This isn’t a Christian thing to do, it is the opposite!

    VETO Hate Bill 1840, the Counseling Discrimination bill


    Please, add your voice and urge Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam to veto this discriminatory bill.

    4,242 signatures

    Dear Governor Haslam,

    We urge you to veto HB1840, which allows counselors to turn away clients based on the counselor's biases and values.  This bill puts the focus on the desires of counselors rather than on the needs of clients, damaging the counseling profession and putting clients at risk. 

    An anti-bullying amendment was stripped from the bill in the House Health Committee leaving youth vulnerable in areas where mental health services are not widely available.

    Thank you for considering our views.

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