Rose Mary Drake posted about Urge Senators Alexander and Corker to speak up for LGBTQ people when the next Supreme Court justice is appointed on Facebook 2018-06-27 22:00:12 -0500Sign the petition: Urge Senators Alexander and Corker to speak up for LGBTQ people when the next Supreme Court justice is appointed
Urge Senators Alexander and Corker to speak up for LGBTQ people when the next Supreme Court justice is appointed
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring so the President will name a successor who must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Sign to urge Senator Alexander and Senator Corker to speak up for the LGBTQ community during the confirmation process. TEP will deliver a hard copy of the signatures to their offices.
Senator Alexander and Senator Corker:
When the President announces his choice to replace Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, we urge you to speak up for the rights of LGBTQ people. It is vitally important that members of the Supreme Court support the principle of "equal protection" and that Justice Kennedy's successor uphold the existing rights of LGBTQ people and oppose discrimination against LGBTQ people. We respectfully ask you to raise these concerns publicly and not to vote for any nominee who supports discrimination.
Rose Mary Drake posted about No special legislative session for bathroom discrimination! on Facebook 2016-05-22 00:31:35 -0500I oppose a special legislative session for discrimination. Will you join me?
No special legislative session for bathroom discrimination!
On the evening of May 17, The Tennessean and The Commercial Appeal reported that legislators are considering a special legislative session to take up a new effort to pass a statewide anti-transgender bathroom discrimination law. Sign YOUR name to the statement below and we'll deliver your signatures to legislative leaders:
Dear Speaker Ramsey and Speaker Harwell:
We oppose a special legislative session to consider an anti-transgender bathroom discrimination law. It is never justified to spend the state's time and money to advance discrimination. Thank you for considering our views.
Rose Mary Drake commented on TN couple get a taste of the fight for marriage equality in Alabama 2015-03-03 23:49:19 -0600I wasn’t aware of the latest AL Supreme Court ruling when I read this, since it just came out a few hours ago. Also didn’t know what their employer had said. Now this makes a little more sense. Hope it’s only a short delay for them.