Call on the Coffee County DA to Resign
Coffee County District Attorney Craig Northcott has made anti-Muslim statements and said that he does not treat LGBTQ people experiencing domestic violence the same as other survivors. He can no longer effectively serve the people of Coffee County or the thousands of people who visit Coffee County each year for Bonnaroo.
We call on Craig Northcott to resign the office of District Attorney for Coffee County. His anti-Muslim statements and his admission that he does not treat LGBTQ domestic violence cases with respect are disqualifying for office. He must step down so that the people of Coffee County can be served by a District Attorney who will apply the law according to the principle of equal protection.
Outworking Discrimination
The forces of discrimination aren't just hanging on; they're actually working harder after marriage equality was won in all 50 states. New attacks on transgender people, efforts to give counselors the ability to turn away LGBT people, increasingly hateful rhetoric from the religious Right, and more are just a few of the challenges.
We can win by OUTWORKING DISCRIMINATION! When you make a tax deductible contribution to this TEP Foundation campaign, we can invest in new, innovative efforts to engage the faith community including those in socially conservative denominations. We can develop a business network in Tennessee that can be a counterbalancing voice when attacks come. We can do more to shape a media message for equality.
YOU make it possible. Put us to work.
Governor Haslam, Keep listening and oppose HB2414
Sign this NEW petition urging Governor Bill Haslam to keep listening to the voices opposed to the anti-transgender student bathroom bill!
Governor Haslam, please continue to oppose HB2414 and listen to the voices of transgender students and the business community speaking out against the bill. Thank you for considering our views.
VETO Hate Bill 1840, the Counseling Discrimination bill
Please, add your voice and urge Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam to veto this discriminatory bill.
Dear Governor Haslam,
We urge you to veto HB1840, which allows counselors to turn away clients based on the counselor's biases and values. This bill puts the focus on the desires of counselors rather than on the needs of clients, damaging the counseling profession and putting clients at risk.
An anti-bullying amendment was stripped from the bill in the House Health Committee leaving youth vulnerable in areas where mental health services are not widely available.
Thank you for considering our views.