Mary Kyle signed No special legislative session for bathroom discrimination! 2016-05-18 11:16:04 -0500Please quit creating problems to solve that are an embarrassment to our state and begin working on real issues that need addressing. We’ve got to the bathroom with transgender persons for years with no problem.
No special legislative session for bathroom discrimination!
On the evening of May 17, The Tennessean and The Commercial Appeal reported that legislators are considering a special legislative session to take up a new effort to pass a statewide anti-transgender bathroom discrimination law. Sign YOUR name to the statement below and we'll deliver your signatures to legislative leaders:
Dear Speaker Ramsey and Speaker Harwell:
We oppose a special legislative session to consider an anti-transgender bathroom discrimination law. It is never justified to spend the state's time and money to advance discrimination. Thank you for considering our views.
Mary Kyle signed Tennessee Loves Target 2016-05-03 06:00:03 -0500Please quit blaming God for your ignorance!
Tennessee Loves Target
Target's trans-inclusive policies are under attack in Tennessee. A Mt Juliet pastor's rant went viral and this week at a Hendersonville Target, protesters shouted religious wrath at employees and customers. But we know that Tennessee loves Target and it's time to show it!
As former TEP Board member Ellyahnna Hall (pictured) notes:
"I support Target for trying to provide a safe space for all people. I'm a trans woman and I've faced the dangers of not having access to restrooms that corespond to my gender identity. If opponents are really concerned with safety then let's focus on tougher rape laws and enforcing those, not creating a fake danger that doesn't exist."
Sign the petition statement and show Target some love. We'll deliver hard copies of the petition to select Target locations in Tennessee.
Tennessee loves Target. I support the company's transgender-inclusive policies and I will continue to shop at their stores.
Mary Kyle endorsed 2016-04-26 08:56:24 -0500I consider what these legislators are doing to be the epitome of taking the name of the Lord in vain – twisting the meanings (especially their reconstructing Jesus into someone I don’t recognize) to suit their prejudiced beliefs. How in the world is this justified by people who bring the constitution into play when it clearly flies in the face of separation of church and state. Additionally, there are many religions (or none) practiced in the state and requiring the same taxes be paid by all, but not extending the same basic rights to those whose lives differ from the lawmakers’ religion is wrong.
Stop using religion to discriminate in Tennessee
On April 18, 2016 about 30 pastors shamefully stood in Legislative Plaza and spoke in favor of the anti-transgender student bathroom bill. And religion was used to advance the counseling discrimination bill. Many more clergy across Tennessee publicly opposed both bills.
Whether you're religious or not, aren't you tired of religion being used to support discrimination in our laws? If so, endorse this statement:
We oppose the use of religion to justify discrimination in Tennessee law. To use religion to divide us in our public life violates the spirit of the U.S. and Tennessee Constitutions, does harm to the people of Tennessee, and brings scandal to religion.
Mary Kyle signed VETO Hate Bill 1840, the Counseling Discrimination bill 2016-04-09 21:21:56 -0500I am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. This bill is a slap in the face to my profession which is based in social justice & equality and runs totally counter to our code of ethics. It has the potential of harming those we serve.
VETO Hate Bill 1840, the Counseling Discrimination bill
Please, add your voice and urge Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam to veto this discriminatory bill.
Dear Governor Haslam,
We urge you to veto HB1840, which allows counselors to turn away clients based on the counselor's biases and values. This bill puts the focus on the desires of counselors rather than on the needs of clients, damaging the counseling profession and putting clients at risk.
An anti-bullying amendment was stripped from the bill in the House Health Committee leaving youth vulnerable in areas where mental health services are not widely available.
Thank you for considering our views.