Governor Haslam, Keep listening and oppose HB2414













Sign this NEW petition urging Governor Bill Haslam to keep listening to the voices opposed to the anti-transgender student bathroom bill!

Governor Haslam, please continue to oppose HB2414 and listen to the voices of transgender students and the business community speaking out against the bill.  Thank you for considering our views.

Who's signing

2,500 signatures

Will you sign?

  • Candace Maché
    signed 2016-04-17 23:06:46 -0500
    What is up with you republicans and where people shit? Get a grip! Y’all are obsessed, it’s weird. Bathrooms are fucked up enough without y’all making a big deal out of people’s junk. Lift the seat, wipe the seat before and/ or after you go. Keep the sink dry, let the attendant know if paper is needed. Otherwise stfu.
  • Elizabeth Hale
    signed 2016-04-17 23:05:09 -0500
  • Peter Reynolds
    signed 2016-04-17 23:01:20 -0500
  • Renee Kasman
    signed 2016-04-17 22:59:48 -0500
  • Jerry Callaghan
    signed 2016-04-17 22:45:34 -0500
  • Robert McGill
    signed 2016-04-17 22:20:41 -0500
  • Dale Reifschneider
    signed 2016-04-17 22:19:56 -0500
  • Jaime Beckler
    signed 2016-04-17 22:19:49 -0500
  • Nabil Bayakly
    signed 2016-04-17 21:55:07 -0500
    Nabil Bayakly
  • Roger Schecter
    signed 2016-04-17 21:48:27 -0500
  • Katherine Netzler
    signed 2016-04-17 21:46:51 -0500
  • Amy Garland
    signed 2016-04-17 21:41:48 -0500
    Don’t be like NC.
  • Rita Harris
    signed 2016-04-17 21:41:43 -0500
  • Stacy Ridgell
    signed 2016-04-17 21:36:45 -0500
    Stacy Ridgell
  • Rachel Torres
    signed 2016-04-17 21:35:01 -0500
  • Rachel Mckane
    signed 2016-04-17 21:32:02 -0500
  • Jayanni Webster
    signed 2016-04-17 21:26:22 -0500
    Jayanni Webster
  • Claire Meggs
    signed 2016-04-17 21:20:41 -0500
    Please oppose this discriminatory bill !!
  • Gloria & Wilbert Griffith
    signed 2016-04-17 21:20:17 -0500
    Continue to oppose HB2414.
  • Diane Kerley Long
    signed 2016-04-17 21:19:15 -0500
    Please, Governor Haslam, think long before signing this unconstitutional and impractical nonsense. It’s a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. There have been no reports of attacks by transgenders anywhere, especially in bathrooms.

    How would this be enforced? Where would a transgender man go to use the bathroom? If he goes to the men’s, he’d be arrested. If he goes to the women’s, looking like a man, it’s awkward for everyone, and he could be attacked.
  • Silas Gooch
    signed 2016-04-17 21:15:21 -0500
  • Mark Salamon
    signed 2016-04-17 21:14:04 -0500
  • Linda Anderson
    signed 2016-04-17 21:13:58 -0500
  • James Hall
    signed 2016-04-17 21:11:28 -0500
    Gov. Haslam, please reject this bill and the horrible impact it will have on our state and our communities. Our state is above this kind of legislation.
  • Rev. Faye London
    signed 2016-04-17 21:03:14 -0500
  • Michael Rayment
    signed 2016-04-17 21:01:48 -0500
  • Roy Hamilton
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-04-17 21:00:13 -0500
    Sign the petition: Governor Haslam, Keep listening and oppose HB2414. Will you help us get more signatures?
  • Roy Hamilton
    @theroyhamilton tweeted link to this page. 2016-04-17 21:00:10 -0500
    Sign the petition: Governor Haslam, Keep listening and oppose HB2414. Will you help us get more signatures?
  • Roy Hamilton
    signed 2016-04-17 20:59:26 -0500
  • Amanda Clay
    signed 2016-04-17 20:56:50 -0500

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