Governor Haslam, Keep listening and oppose HB2414













Sign this NEW petition urging Governor Bill Haslam to keep listening to the voices opposed to the anti-transgender student bathroom bill!

Governor Haslam, please continue to oppose HB2414 and listen to the voices of transgender students and the business community speaking out against the bill.  Thank you for considering our views.

Who's signing

2,500 signatures

Will you sign?

  • Jasmine Clark
    signed 2016-04-17 17:45:24 -0500
  • Becca Thomas
    @WhyThaHeckNot tweeted link to this page. 2016-04-17 17:42:19 -0500
    Sign the petition: Governor Haslam, Keep listening and oppose HB2414. Will you help us get more signatures?
  • Becca Thomas
    signed 2016-04-17 17:42:09 -0500
  • Debbie Kelly
    signed 2016-04-17 17:30:29 -0500
  • Trena Poland
    signed 2016-04-17 17:26:21 -0500
  • Cathy Smotherman
    signed 2016-04-17 17:17:56 -0500
    Cathy Smotherman
  • Victor Levan
    signed 2016-04-17 17:02:51 -0500
  • Ash-Lee Henderson
    signed 2016-04-17 16:48:09 -0500
  • Rachel Longhenry
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-04-17 16:31:19 -0500
    Sign the petition: Governor Haslam, Keep listening and oppose HB2414. Will you help us get more signatures?
  • Rachel Longhenry
    signed via 2016-04-17 16:30:44 -0500
  • Julie Gardner
    signed via 2016-04-17 16:24:54 -0500
    Please don’t allow discrimination. People have used the bathroom the identity with for a very long time no need to change. Not necessary to put lives at risk including my son’s
  • Katrina Musick
    signed via 2016-04-17 16:19:54 -0500
    Katrina Musick
  • Nikki Hutchinson-Crowder
    signed 2016-04-17 16:07:42 -0500
    God made all of us and if there is any decency in you, you will not allow another group of peopie to be fausely slandered over the use of a toilet
  • Carolyn Watterson
    signed 2016-04-17 15:37:31 -0500
    Carolyn Watterson
  • KC&Sunshine Jam
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-04-17 15:26:59 -0500
    Sign the petition: Governor Haslam, Keep listening and oppose HB2414. Will you help us get more signatures?
  • KC&Sunshine Jam
    @NashV3gan tweeted link to this page. 2016-04-17 15:26:56 -0500
    Sign the petition: Governor Haslam, Keep listening and oppose HB2414. Will you help us get more signatures?
  • Kc Coleman
    signed 2016-04-17 15:26:19 -0500
  • david floyd
    signed 2016-04-17 15:15:20 -0500
  • Den Schram
    signed 2016-04-17 15:09:34 -0500
  • Annie Cowherd
    signed 2016-04-17 15:04:24 -0500
  • Chelsea Hopper
    signed 2016-04-17 15:02:59 -0500
  • Michael Tomes
    signed 2016-04-17 14:59:29 -0500
  • Jennifer Bledsoe
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-04-17 14:40:15 -0500
    Sign the petition: Governor Haslam, Keep listening and oppose HB2414. Will you help us get more signatures?
  • Jennifer Lum
    signed via 2016-04-17 14:39:23 -0500
  • Tom Kauffman
    signed 2016-04-17 14:35:50 -0500
    Any of these bills are nothing more than discrimination. The perverts are not going to stop because there is a new law anymore than they stop now with all the laws we have in place
  • Aleeta Shaw
    signed 2016-04-17 14:27:40 -0500
  • Christa George
    signed 2016-04-17 14:25:35 -0500
  • Kim Moss
    signed 2016-04-17 14:23:53 -0500
    Kim Moss
  • Chad Pinkston
    signed 2016-04-17 14:23:53 -0500
  • Jessie Angel
    signed 2016-04-17 13:58:30 -0500

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